The night of confession (Part 2)

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After Yejin got back at the couch she suddenly approached him and said, "hey why are you spacing out there? is everything okay? then he replied to her that he's fine, now, his thinking if how should he confess to her and which way though, all the things that he prepared is ready but there's something isn't ready, what?

not what, who? because he's the one who isn't ready maybe a few more minutes and he'll do it or should he do it now? okay... he's totally nervous you can actually see it so she asked again if he's okay, he then explained if what he really feel for her slowly and nervously but she only smile and chuckled a little bit because someone just confessed to her, this is exactly what he said.

"Umm.. I- I really don't know to uh- explain this but I just wanna tell you that um- I- I like you and I'm willing to court you if can I only, I really want to express everything but I think this is the time to confess since it's our last day working together and I really felt your um- care for me, but it's a special feeling for me because you're the only one who cared for me like that so that's it and I'm so sorry if you might um- hate it, but I don't wanna uh- ruin our friendship just because of this so I'm t-telling you now if wh-what I really felt um- for you." then he gave her the peonies and chocolates that he buy for her for tonight.

back to reality, he's now silent and can't talk about anything because he did confess to her while she's only smiling at him but a few minutes after that she broke the silence and tell him to stop being like that because it's fine for her, she said that he can court her and she feels their chemistry of being together too, in short she likes him too and she's willing to get courted by Bin.

Finally the silence broke and they talk about eachother to know eachother more and ignored the movie that they're watching, the watching movie while eating snacks turned into talking and drinking ft. snacks.

congrats to both of them, they feel the same thing for eachother and as soon as it goes by it will get deeper and deeper then they go now and be happy for eachother.


A/N : Hi to y'all I'm so sorry for letting y'all wait and here's a very short chapter for the continuation of the part 1 so hope you guys would like it and thank you for the feedbacks! I appreciate it a lot! thank you very much 😊💕

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2021 ⏰

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