chp 17

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The world you live in is the world you believe, but what you also believe is there is an another world which is still unexplored. A world that your mind creates, a world that you believe is real and you can live in it.

That world, which I believe was just fairy tale, is real. A Queen and a palace.

It was morning now, I got down the stairs finding my brother and Suraj along with Siya sitting. They were talking softly. Shivam had his hand around Siya, like a protective gesture. At the sound of my steps they turned and looked for the cosmos.

"Dhwani, how are you feeling?" The question was from Yash who was the first to be my side. I just nodded telling him I was fine. Though I couldn't speak now, it was natural for me to communicate with sign language. Actually, it was far better to be talking in sign language than hearing my voice.

It was not because I didn't want to talk,but it was my habit which I been used too from the day I have got aware of my self about my presence in the world.

"Dhwani, have a seat." Siya's melodious voice came, calming me. She really have an effect on people. Her smile, her voice and her elegant nature.

I walked till I was near the table, I noticed two extra chair were placed beside the table. Shivam and Siya were sitting side by side, opposite to which Suraj sat having an empty seat beside him. Without any thought I sat beside him and yash took the last empty chair.

"Dhwani, don't be afraid. You don't have to face something that you don't want to. You can take it slowly." It was shivam who spoke, his face was still emotionless.

"I want to ask some question." I used sign language for them to understand. Siya looked confused about sign language but I can tell she understood.

"We will answer your all questions, but are you really ready to hear the answer?" Siya saw my hesitation. But I nodded.

"Suraj," Shivam called him and that's when I noticed he hasn't even spoke a word from the time I have entered. I couldn't even hear his thought. It was like he have shield his feelings. "You are her mate, and I believe you can tell her better than any of us."

"Leave us alone." He said to which everyone obliged.

"Suraj, have you shield you thought?"



"I have my reason, my mute girl." He gave me a short smile and with the name he called me made my heart swell. It was like I was again the same person I was when I first met him. The ordinary girl with knowing nothing about the outer world.

"My mom is still alive?"


"And...and, dad?"

I saw him looking a bit uncomfortable but after a minute he replied.

"No, he is dead."

"Did I killed him?"

"No, you haven't. You tried to save him."

"What does that mean? How.."

"Dhwani, when you were little your house was attacked by some rouges. Your dad tried all his best to fight with them and when you saw them fighting, your inner Angel got awake." While Suraj was narrating the part about how my father died I was having the fragments of the day getting awake in mind. "Diya took the control over the body and started fighting, but when your dad saw a rouge was about to attack you he jumped to save you and in process your wings too tried to shield your dad, but it was late. The rouge already killed him."

"Diya told me it was the first time I was born from a Queen's womb. What does that mean?"

"Your life cycle has been repeated serval time. When ever a girl is born in relam, it is said to be one of them will posses the energy of being Queen. Though every girl get her angel when the time approaches but not all of them can be Queen." I was understanding little by little what he was trying to say but it was too futile information for me. "Everytime when Diya choose a girl who will be the Queen in future but before she could fully get fused with them they eventually collapse as they couldn't bear the energy from Diya to transform."

"Why did Diya choose me? I'm mute, an ordinary girl-which I believe I was- who can never understand anything about the relam and all sought of things!"

"It is your fate."

"I don't want this fate. I want to be just an ordinary girl, living in my home, attending college and relaxing after a long day I had spend. Why can't be that possible! "

Suraj came closer to me and made me sit on his lap. His hand got surrounded my waist. My back rested on his chest while his head nuzzled my neck.

"You know how it feels when you see your own love, your reason to live for, die in front of you." I sucked a breath at his statement. "Everytime when I see you getting away from me, my heart would cry. Each time I after you leave me , I think of killing myself with you, but I restrain myself with a hope that you will be born again, that I will meet you again."

"Suraj... I.. I.."

"Shhh... You don't have to say anything." With a swift motion he turned me making me look at him. I was still sitting on his lap and he creased my cheek and with a soft smile said, "you remember when I first met you in the college, my mute girl?" I smile at that memory.

"Of course, you were the most annoying boy I had ever met. Yet you were the one who sparked my life pulling my heat string."

"Oh really my mute girl, I'm flattered with the compliment."

"Well you should be. I don't compliment someone easily."

"Hmm" he rested his forehead on mine and closed his eyes. "You know I'm so glad that you are with me, that I didn't have to see you vanish again."

"I won't" Diya and I spoke in unison

"One last question," I said looking at him "why are you so annoying boy?"

"Cause you are so cute, my mute girl!"

He kissed me, our lips connecting making a spark to flow through the whole body. The feeling that I never experienced, a feeling to never leave this movement and most importantly never letting go the most annoying boy.

May be I'm in love with my mate? Really?


So, I have updated, and that too so fast! Dear God did is everything right with the author? Hehehheh... Well enjoy.

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Will update soon!

Till then miss me 😉😉

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