chp 13

162 11 2

(not edited)

After the marking was over, Suraj felt a little dizzy. Diya told me it was just a side effect of the marking. The bond is forming between his soul and ours. She told me it will always bind me with him and we could feel each other's emotions better.

But after sometime Diya called out in my mind. Suraj was now sleeping, probably worn out by all marking. Though it looks strange for him to get tire, but I don't know what happens after all marking.

"Dhwani, something is off. Though I can feel the bond formed between us, there is something pulling me close. Triggering more of my energy."

"What do you mean by that?"

"There is something, I can't pin point right now. We should probably ask Suraj about it, when he wakes up."

I just hummed in response. I felt Diya got back of my mind. Staying there.

Was this all real? Having my mate in my arms, that too so gorgeous to be real. Having someone to talk with, who is me only. If someone, I mean- by human they would probably regard me as insane. Now looking at Suraj sleeping so peacefully beside me, he seems to innocent now, just like every and any thing in this world doesn't affect him.

His dark brown hair were tickling his forehead with the wind. His eyelashs were touching his cheek like kissing. A little subtle can be seen along his jaw. My hands betrayed me, and it landed on cheek feeling the little subtle tickling my hand. My thumb creased cheek trailing down to lips till end of his jaw. My eyes too moved along my path of my thumb.

My eyes now again went till I could see his brown shining eyes. So shining and deep that if they shine a little more they probably will look like a brown diamond. Those brown diamond were looking deep ...

Wait what? That's when I noticed he was awake! Oh god... He must think I'm a freak.

" I'm all yours to see and touch, Dhwani. " That devil gave me his devilish smile.

I smiled and looked away shyly. I was never shy. This boy brings out the worst out of me.

I felt the hand on my chin making me look up. "You look cute when you shy away" he commented and the zoo in my stomach were set free. That boy!

"Suraj, Diya told me that she formed a bond between us. It mean I could feel your emotions and so can you, right?" I asked again stroking his chin. All of a sudden I felt the shiver ran through my spine.

"You felt that, right?" He asked and I nodded. I was about to ask Suraj about what Diya told me about the something bothering her in the bond but was cut off by the knock on the door. Before I could open the door, it slide gracefully reveling Siya. She still was in her beautiful dress. Suraj got up and soon I was on my feet standing Waiting for her to say something.

But, inspite of saying anything she bowed her head a little like she was greeting me and I don't know why, but I bowed my head a little too. I could feel the wave of dominance flowing through her, but it was not so much for me to sumit down to her like Maya did little while ago.

"My queen, it's time for you to get back to your palace." Siya informed with her sweet smile and I found Suraj placing his hand at the small of my back. I nodded my head and turned to Suraj, he too smile and gestured me to move along.

So it's official, I'm leaving this place. Though I was getting emotional, there was part of me that really wanted to explore the world beyond this.

When we reached the living room, Maya, Yash and Shivam were already waiting.

"Will Yash and Shivam come with us?" I asked Suraj to which he answered negatively.

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