chp 5

358 30 2

(not edited)

When I reached the living room,I saw Yash and Shivam were watching T.V.

They probably came early today. The food was placed neatly on the table.

I rotated my eyes to see where suraj was but, before I can access my living room I was called by yash.

"Where were you Dhwani? Don't you think it's quite late for you to come back." Yash got up from the sofa and came towards me.

"We are really hungry let's eat first." He said without Waiting for  my answer and dragged me to the dining table and Shivam followed.

"Yash, it would be good if she tell us where she actually was. But if I'm not wrong she would probably at beach again." Shivam announced without even looking at me but I replied with a single nod to him.

"See, I told you." Shivam said and started serving plates. He placed three chapati in two plates and two chapati in one plate. And gave the one with two chapati to Yash and rest of two plates for us.

He have always been the one who would serve , Yash the one who would cook and me the one one who eat.

We were eating dinner, when I heard the footstep behind me.

Suraj! How the hell did I forget him!

But wait, how did my brothers didn't noticed him.

I turned around but there was no one. May be I am assuming. Did he left? When? Whatever it is. I am happy that he is not here.

I sighed and turned back to plate when I heard "Your brother knows you well, don't you think?" I swear if I was not mute I would have screamed the hell out this place.

There was suraj sitting beside me on the chair, smiling and looking as wonderful as ever!

"How was your college today, Dhwani?" Yash asked.

"Fine." I signed with my hands and he just nodded. Shivam just ignored.

"Did you sign 'fine' mute Girl?" Suraj asked and I expected Yash and Shivam to acknowledge it.

But to my surprise and utter disappointed, they didn't.

How the hell is that even possible.

"They are not going to say anything mute girl. So just chill." Suraj wishpered in my ears making my every nerve shock.

Why? I wanted to ask, but I was not in a state to say anything.

"You wanna know why?" Suraj asked again and I just nodded positively.

"Cause I am...."

"Why are you not eating Dhwani? Is something wrong?" Yash interrupted whatever Suraj was saying.

I shook my head.

I tapped the table to get attention of yash and then signed with hands "yash, do you see someone sitting beside me?"

Yash turned his head towards the place where Suraj was sitting and then towards me, and then said "No, why?"

I shrugged my shoulder and continued to concentrate on food.

This is all in my mind.

Suraj is not here.

This is all in my mind. Suraj is not here. I repeated this in my mind.

"I told you, Mute Girl. They can't see me." Suraj again said enjoying my fear.

This can't be happening. Seriously! Something is there that is missing. Is it true, Yash and Shivam can't see him?

What is he? Mr.India?

Should I use red light or.....what the hell am I thinking?!

Agrhhhh, he is getting on my nerves.

After many attempts of not puking the contents in my stomach due to shock and fear I finally finished my dinner.

I went straight to my bedroom and closed the door behind me.

I sat on my bed Indian style and closed my eyes. There is so much in my mind.

"Isn't you bedroom empty, Dhwani?" I abruptly opened my eyes to see none another than the annoying boy himself.

I took out my mobile and texted "and it's your business because?"

"You know it's really time consuming, you writing then showing me and then I read, what should we do...hmmm..." He thought with his finger on his chin.

"Ok, come here." He Finally said like he have got the answer to all his question while in all this he ignored my question.

This boy!

I got up with rage, took one book in my hand to hit his head but then- decided against it.

What was book's fault in this. It Shouldn't have go through this. Right?

"Now, give me your hand" Suraj pulled out his hand.

But instead of giving him my hand I raised an eyebrow.

"O! Come on, i am not going to bite you. Just give me your hand." He said and before I could do anything he took my hand in his.

And that's when it all happened.

His hands, they ...they weren't as warm as mine nor they were cold. It was like there was nothing holding my hand even though I could see his hand touching mine.

What is happening with me. And most importantly who the hell is he.


Any guesses?

Don't be a scilent reader and do vote and commet!

Will upload soon.

Till then Miss me 😉😉

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