Then I'm Sorry- ...I Have To Do This

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October 15; 09:34 PDT

Jenna walked into the studio building, with her manager; Hannah Green. Hannah is an older African American woman who was a little older than Hal, Hannah had curly chestnut brown hair, that was pulled into a tight high bun. Hannah had warm hazel brown eyes, that look slightly green in the right lighting. Hannah was a great manager and role model to Jenna, she was a child actor when she was young as well, and she has given Jenna great advice right before most auditions and after.

"So it's just a simple table read," Hannah began speaking to Jenna as they walk through the lobby. "And it's nothing big either, it's just you and some of the cast. Since one of the other actors couldn't make it because he's on the other side of the country because of his school."

"School?" Jenna furrowed her brows, "James Black actually got the role?"

"You know him?" Hannah turned to her with surprise.

"Yeah," Jenna gave Hannah a look. "We have a lot of the same friends, we share a best friend in Alya Jordan."

"That's great." Hannah smiled. "That means the two of you would get along perfectly, right."

"I guess." Jenna shrugged. "We were never too close, but I guess we call ourselves friends. So I guess he can't make it here, but he can make it to the filming that's going to be in Baltimore and D.C."

"Yeah, but it's all okay." Hannah assures her, "The filming isn't going to start until the summer, so he'll be fine to finish his senior year."

"Well, that's good." Jenna grins. "I think Alya would kill him if he left her."


October 15; 12:54 EDT

"Don't leave me behind." Spark grumbled as she catches up to Angi in the air, "I hate when you that."

"What?" Angi laughed, throwing his arm around Spark. "All I wanted to do was race, you're the one who allowed me to get a head start."

"This isn't a game." Spark pushed her friend off her. She points down to a black Camry on the highway below. "We're trying to follow Veronica to see if she's going to lead us to Eleanor."

"So this was more important than going to school?" Angi questioned. "I understand that we want to get Eleanor but don't you think that we should be more careful with skipping school, Dean More and Sarah really have it against you."

"I'm sick of having to deal with Deans." Spark complained. "One evil Dean was enough, I don't really need another. And besides, she can't kick me out, all she can do is give detention. The only person who has the power to kick me is. Guess who."

"Dylan, I know." Angi rolled his eyes. "Must be nice being related to the owner of the school." (I have no idea if this is how Private Boarding Schools works in real life, but they do in my universe)

"You're his best friend," Spark retorts, as she flies a little higher to get out of sight of the black vehicle. Angi follows her leave going through the clouds.

"Please, we've been through this for the past three years. Dylan Brooks does not have best friends." Angi scoffs. "He only has people that he doesn't hate."

"I thought that was me?" Spark raised her brows.

Angi laughed, "That is you, you and Dylan are the same. I guess it makes sense that you two are family. I don't understand how we didn't see this in the first place."

"Shut up."


"Jenna," Shawn Lister called out to her. Shawn was the producer of the show, both Aleksanders and Glacier Creek, he was also the older brother to the superhero Phoenix, Rydel Lister. Though neither of the two knew who the other truly was. Shawn walked to the teen hero, with a grin. "You did such a good job today, I'll admit I had my doubts but I think that you and James would be great. My sister really pushed that I give that a kid shot, let's hope he doesn't blow it."

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