Why Am I Getting All The Hate?

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December 26; 10:01 EST

"As everywhere else in the world says, Happy Christmas!" James entered the Woods household while Alya's hand in his right, while in his left, he held a bag of presents. Same with Alya's hand that she was using to hold James'.

Aidan had invited over Sam, James, and Alya to spend the day after Christmas with his family and Dylan, who was still living with him. The five of them wanted to hang out during the break, but they didn't know would be the best place to hang. The Jordan's apartment was too small for them; they didn't have access to the Premiere building, Sam's parents still did not like Alya and Dylan; even after the several times, they have proven not to be like their grandparents and parents. Aidan was the obvious choice.

"Hey!" Sam greeted with a grin as she looks up at her friends as they enter the living room. Alya and James were the last ones to arrive at Aidan's house, mostly because they lived on the other side of the country and seven o'clock when they woke up.

"You guys made it!" Aidan cheered as he sat on the floor. The living room was littered with small wrapping paper pieces that seem to be leftover from yesterday's clean-up. The tree was still placed up, but it looked a little dim as most trees did after Christmas ends. Under the tree were piles of presents, all wrapped differently.

"Finally, can we get to the presents?" Dylan rolled his eyes. " I don't see why we could have done this yesterday?"

"Sorry." Alya apologized. "Jen, Marie, and I went to Oa last night to spend some time with Hal."

"Marie went?" Aidan question with furrowed brows.

"Jenna brought her in a little green orb bubble thing." Alya tried to explain using her hands to shape a sphere with her electricity. "I don't know why she just didn't use a plane to take the three of us. It would have saved me the strength, but that was yesterday. Like Dyls said, let's go with the present."

"Yes!" Sam cheered as she jumps up from her chair. "I'm going to give my present first!" Sam reaches for a large bag by her side and takes out four dark green gift boxes, all the same, exact size. Sam hands the gifts she brought to each of her friends. Once they all had their gifts in their hands, Sam plops right back down into her seat with a grin. "Alright, open them all at once."

Following her order, the four of them begin to rip the paper, allowing the paper to carelessly drop to the carpet below, each of them revealing a white box. Alya was the first to get her box open, revealing a black graphic shirt with the periodic table printed on it.

"Thanks, Sam," Alya said to her friend with a smile as she opens up the shirt.

James and Aidan got their boxes open, and it's revealed that they have gotten shirts as well. James got a shirt that says 'if it weren't for Physics and Law Enforcement I'd be unstoppable!' and Aidan got a shirt from Grey's Anatomy with a photo of the season one cast printed on it. Both boys thanked Sam for her gift. Lastly, it was Dylan who finally opened his gift after a struggle.

"Let me guess, a shirt?" Dylan questioned before he picks up a shirt from the box. "Oh, look, I was right."

"You're welcome, you ungrateful poop." Sam slightly glared at Dylan as he opens a Camp Half-blood shirt.

"Thank you, Sam," Dylan tells her sincerely.

"It's not the only thing," Sam says as she gets up, as she gives them all gift cards. "I think I did brilliant picking out the shirts, but my step-mom thought it was too little, so she got you all 50 dollar gift cards."

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