It Just Gets Worse

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January 20; 10:09 PST

"Come on, it's one mission," Dick told Marie through the phone. Dick was currently trying to convince Marie to go on one mission with him and Jefferson for old time's sake, and Marie was giving him a hard time.

"Oh hell no," Marie shook her head despite Dick not being able to see her. "You said that to Conner, Jefferson, and Artemis last time, and you ended up with a whole team."

"I need you for this. You said that you wanted things to get back to normal, didn't you? Us going on missions together is back to normal, isn't it."

Marie sighed as she rubs her forehead. "I'm going to agree to go with you. But don't think that you can manipulate like you're doing with everyone else. Just because I'm doing what you want doesn't mean that I don't see right through it. You're lucky that I haven't called you guys out on all the bullshit you've been pulling these last few months."

"You know I liked you better when you didn't curse," Dick said; Marie rolled her eyes.

"And I liked you better when you didn't go behind everyone's back with big secrets, but hey, we take and lose some." Marie retorts. "Good thing we broke up before we became the worst versions of ourselves that the other doesn't like."

"We were doing so good on not bringing up the breakup," Dick complained. "Why do you got to make it so awkward now."

"You're the one who wants to work with your ex," Marie replies. "You tell me."

"I want to work with my best friend." Dick corrects. "I'll send you the details about the mission soon. But I got to go."

"Alright," Marie hums.

"Hey, Mar."


"Love ya."

"Dido." Marie sighed, and then the phone hanged up.



January 20; 20:26 PST

That night, Nightwing, Black Lightning, and Spirit were right outside Granny Goodness's home, wearing their darkwear. The trio was hiding behind a large tree. Both Black Lightning and Spirit were crouched down near the ground while Nightwing peered around the truck to see the large house.

"Playtime after the mission." Spirit heard Nightwing said aloud. Spirit turned to him with a mixed expression of confusion and disgust.

"Say what now?" Black Lightning shared the same sentiment.

"Uh, after the mission, we should catch a play. Or a movie." Nightwing quickly said. "You know, we're in Hollywood. Seems like the thing to do."

"You can watch a movie or play anywhere." Spirit narrowed her eyes at Nightwing. "And Jen was telling me that most movies aren't even filmed in California. TV shows are the ones that are filmed here."

"Uh, let's focus on this thing to do." Black Lightning redirected the attention onto the mission as he stood up. "Although I'm not sure what a simple recon of Granny's house will tell us."

"Yeah, we trying to steal her secret oatmeal cookie recipe?"

"I said recon. I never said simple." Nightwing said to them, and he then pulls out the Motherbox that Dreamer had left here when she came to help with Victor, and it lets out a PING.

"Conner gave you Dreamer's Motherbox?" Black Lightning questioned.

"Dreamer hasn't come back for her yet." Nightwing retorts. "I asked Motherbox to ping if she sensed any Apokoliptan tech inside. And ping, she did."

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