Once, It Would Be Nice If I Never Lose Children

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January 02; 04:30 PST

"Help!" Marie shot up from her bed at the panic voice of Forager rang in her ear. Marie ran out of her room without a second thought as she hears Forager yell for help. "Hive-drones! Victor Stone needs help!"

"What happened!?" Marie exclaimed, right as she pushes out her door. Marie saw Forager as Fred holding up Victor as he leads him to the couch. Marie also noticed that Forager's shouts also awoke tara, Brion, and Dr. Jace.

"Fred, what is it?" Dr. Jace questioned as she rushes down the stairs. Marie quickly jumps over the railing and flies down to where Forager and Victor sat.

"I'm okay," Victor assures, nodding at Marie while holding the side of his hand, covering it with his hoodie, as Jace makes her way to them. "Not murderous or anything. But I guess, I guess Fatherbox isn't done with me." Dr. Jace kneeled down in front of the teen to see what is going on. "If can't take my mind..." Victor pulled down his hoodie, revealing the blue lighting of his robotic faceplate. Dr. Jace lets out a short gasp of surprise as Victor sits up. "It'll take my whole body until I'm nothing but a walking talking Fatherbox."

"Oh, that's bad." Marie hissed as she is studying what's going on. "I'm going to call some reasonable adults. And Forager, Brion, Tara, how about you guys help Victor to the med bay so that Dr. Jace can get a good look at him. Though I don't think what's happening with him is at all medical."


January 02; 04:48 PST

"Hey," Jenna threw a throw pillow at Alya as her eyes were glued to the television as the end credits rolls on Return of the Sith. Alya slowly turned her head to her friend. "Do you think it was a great idea for us to stay up all night? You know, being superheroes and all? Shouldn't we be at the top of our game all the time?"

"Are you tired?" Alya asked her as she pushed herself off the couch to change the movies.

"Well, no," Jenna shook her head.

"Exactly, we stay up all the time for missions. This is basically sleep compared to what we do all the time." Alya tells her as she opens the DVD case of New Hope.

"Yeah, you're right." Jenna nods, pulling her legs onto the couch. "Just making sure."

"I've been tired," Alya shrugs, "It took one night staying up, after watching the fake death of Artemis; then a day of class; traveling to an alien planet; not sleeping on that alien planet; then moving rocks and boulders all day on that planet; then having to fight my two friends who were controlled by alien armor; it took a lot."

"You need to tell me that story one day," Jenna said with wide eyes.

"Will do." Alya switches the DVDs, and the previews began to play.

Alya got up from the floor and moved over back to her spot on the couch. Jenna looked at Alya, "Are we just going to watch Star Wars movies all day?"

Alya raised a brow at Jenna with confusion, "Jen, if you're tired, just tell me."

"I'm not tired. I was just thinking since you and James don't go back to school until the sixth, then Bart and I don't start until tomorrow. I thought we could invite them over later."

"Over here?" Alya looked at her with wide eyes. "Oh hell no, knowing my luck, Hal would surprise us by coming home early and see the boys in the apartment alone with us. He'll kill me, he can't kill you, because you're not his, but he'll kill me twice. No way."

"Hal's not going to come back soon." Jenna shook her head. "There's too much going on with the League and the Corps. And anyway, he'll go surprised Marie first, and then he'll come to us."

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