Well, That Was Anticlimactic

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November 16; 12:23 PST

"Thank you for stopping by." Sara Cruz said to Marie as they walk out of Jessica's apartment building. Marie had come by to see if she could convince Jessica to come out of her apartment again, but as always, it failed. Jessica still believes that the world was a dangerous place, and she still fears it. Marie really wished that she could prove to Jessica that she wouldn't allow anything to happen to her.

"No problem." Marie smiled sadly, "I just wish there is more I can do."

"You're doing everything you can by being here." Sara placed her hand on Marie. "You've really been a great friend to Jessica all these years."

"I don't know about that." Marie looks down at her feet. "I could be better."

"Everyone could be better." Sara laughed, "But that's just because no one can be perfect. But Marie, you have been Jessica's best friend. Ever since that day we meet at Denise's, you have been here every week. I don't know why you make a train ride every Thursday to get here Friday, but you're the only person I know who would spend the time and money to do that."

"Yeah," Marie chewed at her bottom lip, "The train ride."

"I was wondering if you wanted to get dinner one day when you come to see Jess?" Sara asked. Marie's head snapped up at Sara quickly to see that the woman has a deep blush on her face as she was shifting her weight from one foot to the other as she waits for Marie's answer.


Sara's cheek darkens at Marie's response, "Uh, you don't have to if you don't want to. It's just an idea."

"No, no." Marie shook her head with wide eyes as she realizes what Sara was asking her. "It's just, sorry, uh. I just wasn't." Marie turned bright pink as she stumbles over her words. Marie cleared her throat. "I loved to go to dinner with you one day."

"Great." Sara grinned, "So the time you're here?"

"Yeah, it's a date." Marie nods.

"It's a date."



November 16; 21:21 EST

"Recognized Spirit B-0-5," Spirit walked into the Watchtower with a wide grin on her face. The young woman has been in a good mood ever since she left Portland, Oregon.

"Hello, my lovely teammates." Spirit greets the group, giving them all a hug. Spirit turned to see that Kaldur, Aquaman has joined them, "Aquaman! How's it going! My friend!" Spirit gave him a tight hug for the moment of her happiness she forgot that she was mad at her friend

"Is Marie Jordan okay?" Forager questions.

"Don't worry about it; she always gets like this when she's happy," Tigress assures him as she walks over to Spirit. "And what's got you this happy?"

"I got a date," Spirit exclaims as she claps excitedly.

"Really with who?" Halo asks as they make their way over.

"Oh, just with this girl I know." Spirit tells her, she turns to Tigress, "You remember Jessica? Her sister."

"Wait, you're?" Tigress looked confused for a moment. "Since when."

"I'm what?" Spirit tilted her head at Tigress. Spirit looks at Aquaman for some help on what she was talking about. "What do you mean? What does she mean? What am I suppose to be? A pineapple?"

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