A Word from the Author

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I'm not going to lie, this is my first major project that I have managed to stay focused on despite my ADHD. This story encompasses the world built by Lucas Pope in "Papers, Please," and it's interaction with the world built by Eric Barone and ConcernedApe in the game "Stardew Valley." This is just a story, and it is written by someone who has never publicized a story before. I usually write for myself, as nobody I know really takes interest in reading the works of an amateur. I've written for quite a few years now, and I am banking on my own personal experience to hopefully hook some interested readers in. I'm also new to Wattpad, so I don't really understand the full ideal of the app and how it works, but hopefully it will settle itself into my brain. Reading my work and having readers being genuinely excited to see what comes next is all I strive for. Anyways, I appreciate your time, and I do hope you enjoy this work of crossover fanfiction. Oh yeah, and there's no smut, so if you came for some kinky sex stuff, I'm sorry to disappoint. However, there are instances of violence. Non-graphic, but there are explanations of people dying and I described how they died.

Update (02/17/2022): I'm back at it! I have a lot of free time at work, so I've been spending it updating and dropping new juicy bits to the story. I know a lot of it seems rushed, but the flow comes from the heart and mind. I hope to God there aren't any plot holes. Anywho, I hope you all enjoy what's new! And if you're new, I hope you enjoy the story!

Update (02/22/2022): The end is nigh! The final chapter of the story is coming in pretty damn soon, and I'm excited to finally finish this project! I've worked on it for over a year, and have had ups and downs. Despite my ADHD and difficulties staying focused and engaged with it, I managed to rekindle my love for writing. This will soon be my first EVER completed work, and when it's done I pray that my fellow indie-game enthusiasts will find some great enjoyment in it. Thank every single one of you for the reads and the support on this achievement. As of now (2:03AM), the final chapter will be out within the next few days!

Update (03/01/2022): Adding pictures to the chapters to make them more lively. Will begin work on the Epilogue and finalize the story just as soon as my friend finishes the main chapters.

 The Other World | Stardew Valley meets Papers, PleaseWhere stories live. Discover now