Chapter Six: Tension

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Mayor Lewis returns to Pelican Town with Georgy and the Prime Minister with his security detail sticking close. Lewis turns to Calvin and asks, "Calvin, sir. I thought the Governor was going to visit as well?" Calvin sighs and shakes his head, "I'm afraid not Mr. Lewis. Something came up with his family and he had to stay behind to be with them." Lewis nods, "I understand."

Calvin turns to Georgy, "Mr. Valentin, where's your agents at? I'm sure you didn't come alone." Georgy shrugs, "Mikhail should be around here somewhere, and I'm afraid Sergiu was in a tragic bus accident yesterday. It killed three of the villagers from here and he was severely injured." Calvin's expression shifts to concern, "Ah- Oh my... I uh... I had no idea," he says, looking to Mayor Lewis. "Yes," Lewis says, "It's a raw scar a lot of the folk here are mourning, so the Festival won't be as packed as it usually is." Calvin nods, "I understand."

Lewis smiles, his moustache matching his lips, "I appreciate the sentiment, Mr. Calvin, sir. However, I'm going to go attend to the decor and festivities, so I'll leave you two to it." Calvin smiles, "Take care, Mayor," he says before turning back to Georgy who is still puffing his cigar, "Let's talk politics, Mr. Valentin. We've received your letters displaying your concerns about our war with the Gotoro Empire. However, I'm still curious as to what you Arztotzkans are hoping to get out of brokering a peace between us and the empire."

Georgy puffs out a large breath of toxic air, "Well let's put it this way. I believe you and I can help each other out, you see? We send volunteer forces to help your armies beat the Gotoro Empire back to their homeland, we stage an invasion, and then plot a takeover of their isles. With peace settled there, we can focus our attention on Skoatia and get you guys reinstated into the rest of the world." Calvin nods, "I see where you're coming from, but a big concern with the High Council is that we fear Arstotzka wants to puppet the Ferngill Republic and seize her assets. What do you say to that?"

Georgy laughs, "Nonsense. What use would we have as allies if we held a gun to your head and told you to be friends with us?" Calvin laughs and nods, "That's a good point. I guess our fears are just the fact that we've been isolated for many years now, and we're afraid contact with the rest of the world would cause a change so massive that the fabric of our stability would come crashing down on our heads! I mean, after all... Our systems of economic maintenance are lightyears apart. You're a bunch'a Commies and we're decent Capitalists."

Georgy stops laughing or smiling at this remark, puffing on his cigar again to try and keep his cool, "Though our systems of economy are not the same, I find it hard to believe that we are any different from civilized people than the highest of royalties. I mean after all, we don't even use bolt action rifles for the military anymore."

Calvin raises his eyebrow, "Bolt action rifles? We use the latest of our innovations such as semi-automatic. They really have been helpful on the battlefield, according to the officers on the front." Georgy grins, knowing very well that the Ferngill Republic has an inferior military, "If you say so, Mr. Prime Minister. I'm only here to discuss this with you and the High Council."

Calvin snickers, "Ha! There's no harm in a little private discussion, is there?" Georgy shrugs, "From what I remember, you came here to meet me for the sake of meeting me. I didn't know that we were going to start early on the politics, eh?"

"Gracious," Calvin says, "I never knew Arstotzkans would be so arrogant." Georgy feins laughter, "Oh, right. You're not making a very good image for yourself on this whole diplomacy thing." Calvin rolls his eyes and scoffs, "Image? What purpose does my image have with this? You came to help, right? You've been giving me nothing but cold shoulders, Mr. Valentin."

Georgy nods, "You've done nothing but insult the very fabric of Arstotzka. If you were a citizen, I would have had you deported. Since you're a foreign leader, I'm considering packing my things and going home to tell the Premier that we would have more luck helping the Gotoro Empire. So maybe you either didn't hear me or didn't understand me when I said you weren't making a very good image for yourself. Let me rephrase. You're. On. Thin. Fucking. Ice. Mr. Prime Minister."

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