Sending Some Love

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What's up, all my chocolate chips? It's PossiblyAwesome here, and welcome back to the Cookie!

So today is Valentine's Day, and if you know me, you know I am very conflicted about the whole idea of Valentine's Day.

On one hand, I depise Valentine's Day because it reminds single people about how lonely they are, it puts stress on couples to fine the "perfect" gift, and I personally believe that you should let people know that you love them all the time.

On the other hand, I'm kind of a sucker for romantic things, and it's also the reason that SO MUCH CHOCOLATE IS ON SALE ON THE FIFTEENTH, LIKE SERIOUSLY, GO ON A CHOCOLATE-BUYING RAMPAGE IF YOU CAN, IT'S ALL LIKE 75% OFF., sorry.

But anyways, I feel kind of bad for all those single people, so if you are single, here's an internet hug for you!


And if you're in a relationship, here's a cookie! Don't want anyone to feel left out!

And if you're single and would rather take the cookie then a hug, then have a cookie! I'm not stopping you!

And if you're in a relationship but you want a hug, you can have an internet hug!

And if you want both a cookie and a hug, then you can have both! :D

But anyways, I wanted to let you all know that I love every single one of you, and that you are all great, so if you're feeling like no one loves you today, let it be known that I think you are perfect! :D

Also, only 18 days left until Team Crafted: 2nd Generation, so hang on in there!

The time will pass before you know it, and if me and my friends can get it done in time, there will be an ANIMATED TRAILER for TC2G!

Me and my friends have got nearly all the lines recorded and the background music picked out, so all that's left is to animate it and edit it, so stay tuned for that!

So I think that's all for now, I love you all, and have a Happy Valentine's Day!


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