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Since today is Internet Best Friends Day, I wanted to make a giant list of all of my internet friends and how I met them and shtuff! YAY FRENDSHIP! :D

1. @foreverwinterauthor (aka Jiggy aka Megan): Megan is first on this list because she is the first ever friend that I have solely because of the internet. I first knew Megan through the SkyDoesMinecraft fanfictions that she published on Instagram. I loved her fanfictions, and I had been commenting on them, and then one day, she replied. Being a fangirl to things I even remotely liked, I freaked out. I'm still surprised I didn't scare her. Anyways, we ended up having a conversation, and next thing we knew, we were friends. Megan is totally, completely awesome, and I love the girl to death, so she definitely deserves to be on this list, even if she isn't very active on her Wattpad.

2. @Darkclaw: The first Wattpad friend I ever had, this girl is responsible for most of my other Internet friends. To be honest, I really can't remember how we met, but I'm sure it's some weird-as-heck story that no one can really explain XD. She's a little scary at first, yeah, but I'll be the first to say that this girl is hilarious and a blast to hang out with(as long as you don't mind getting...interesting fanfictions written about you and your friends). I wouldn't give her up for anything in the world. Except Maybe Patrick Stump. Maybe. (just kidding :D)

3.@CosmicParadise: Rose is one of those friends who you know will always be the most random person you've ever met. Lover of turtles and potatoes, she's definitely the shyest of my friends, but adorkable in her own way. I met Rose through Darkclaw, since Rose and Darkclaw were best friends way before me, and I'm pretty sure it happened in a Chatzt, but I couldn't tell you any details. We've had a ton of Chatzy's as a friendship group. She's super cool, and awesome, and I'm glad to have her as a friend. :)

4. @OliviaLovesSnow: If you don't know who this is, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? I found out about Olivia through her amazing book, Sis, which I'm sure most of you know about. She had a contest for a original short story about Minecraft, which I entered, and surprisingly, won! (I can't tell you how much I flipped out when I found out I won XD) She inboxed me about contest details, we talked some more, and now we're friends! (God, I need to record with her sometime lol) This girl is the best, and I love how she plays by her rules! Olivia, you rock! :)

5. @Mega_Bruh :Geez, where do I begin with Kip? I met Kip through a Chatzy with Darkclaw, and somehow became friends with the insane mudkip. Don't get me wrong, though. He's totally epic. KIPSTIN 4 LYFE, BRUH! He's known for wearing rainbow squid hats (that TRAITOR XD #skyarmy),spamming the Skype chat with random assortments of letters, and talking about butts. :D

6. Justin: I met Justin the same way I met Kip and Rose-through a Chatzy with Darkclaw. We knew each other, yeah, but I think the friendship really started when he was Ben Drowned for some reason and I had to protect a six-year old CaptainSparklez (do NOT ask, Chatzys got weird XD). I don't really know how that starts a friendship, but for some reason, it started ours. (Also started my uttermost hatred for Ben Drowned. Not fear, hatred.) He's the other half of Kipstin, and is a fellow Attack on Titan fan. :) He RULES! :D

7. @LimeLion: I actually met LimeLion through my inbox. She had messaged me asking if her book was any good, and I had responded saying it was awesome (which it was! :D). Next thing we know, we're friends! She's totally awesome and is always up for a conversation, and would you look at that, she's surpassed me in followers! Well played, Lime. Well played. XD She's totally awesome, and deserves every last follower! Love ya, Lime!

8. @DemPenguins: I don't even know where to begin with Dem. She's freaking AMAZING! I'm pretty sure we first started talking when she asked me if she could make the cover for Teen Team Crafted, (which turned out awesome by the way), and we started talking and BOOM! Friendship. Dem is seriously amazing, she's made covers for a lot of my books, and we've been working on a RageGaming fanfiction (if we can ever get started writing the thing, XD). She's seriously awesome and is a great friend!

So those are my internet friends! Geez, I hope I didn't forget anyone....I PROBABLY FORGOT SOMEONE IF I FORGOT SOMEONE I'M SO SORRY.

Don't forget, everyone tells you not to make internet friends because you never know if they're telling the truth. But they don't tell you that internet friends can turn out to be some of the best friends you'll ever have.

And of course, I consider every last chocolate chip to be my friend! I love all of you guys! :D

(The song is the Friends theme song :D)


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