The Mistakes He Made (Captain Fluke One-Shot)

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If there was one thing Will wasn't expecting, it would be how strong they'd get.

He rushed through the halls of the rundown building, panic lingering at the back of his mind.

He couldn't let fear get the best of him. Not now. Not when he was closer then he'd ever been before to getting rid of them.

But it was only natural that they wouldn't like what he was doing.

Get to the door, get to the door. He thought to himself. Once you get there, you're home free.

He clutched onto the small box in his hand as if it was his lifeline, which to him, it was nearly of as much importance.

He saw the giant metal doors in the distance, the way out of the abandoned factory.

He was so close. He could see it now, a life finally free from them, from this curse that he'd been foolish enough to mess around with, back when it wasn't his burden.

But now it was, and he had to deal with it.

Unless he got to that door.

He gathered what little energy he had left, and took off as fast as he could for the doors.

Thirty feet.

Twenty feet.

Ten feet.

Five feet.

Zero feet.

He didn't have any time to catch his breath. He reached for the giant handle, and pulled it as hard as he could, praying to whatever divine entity was listening to please let it open.

The door didn't budge.

"...s***." He said aloud. He was in for it now.

They had locked the doors. He knew they had.

He slammed his fist against the door. "Why? Why can't you just leave me alone? Why did it have to be me to get landed with this damned curse?"

He could feel eyes on him. He could feel her standing there.

He whipped around. "Eli-"

No one was there.

He sighed. Of course he got stuck with her first. She seemed to like toying with him, seeing how freaked and paranoid she could get him.

Of course, she would have her fun with him first, and then get around to killing him.

God, if only he could have gotten the other one first. At least then she'd end it quickly.

There was no point in waiting by the doors now. He knew that. His only hope of getting out alive would be to stall them for as long as possible, and hopefully he could last long enough until they were drained and the doors would unlock.


He slowly walked away, leaving the doors behind him.

He had to stay as quiet as possible. It seemed they could find him easily when he made even the slightest sound.

He jumped when he heard her voice.

"We told you if you came back it would end painfully."

Will turned, and there she stood. Eyes closed, head down. The same way she always was when she first appeared.

He took a step backward. "Elizabeth."

A smile stretched across her face, a smile that no one could mistake for a kind one.

She raised her head slowly, and Will could feel his fear start to grow, but he pushed it towards the back of his mind. He could handle this. He could handle this.

Her eyes opened, glowing bright blue, like always, but the glow was brighter than usual. "Will." She said, the grin still on her face. "What do you think you're doing?"

He. Could. Handle. This. "You know exactly what I'm doing. I'm getting rid of you."

"So, you'll understand why I can't allow that. No hard feelings, I hope." She said, and lunged for him.

He couldn't handle this.

Will bolted away, zig-zagging through the multitude of hallways, and only stopped after he was sure he had lost her.

He leaned against a wall, breathing heavily.

He would allow himself ten seconds. Ten seconds of weakness. Ten seconds to get himself back in the sick, sick game she had him trapped in.




He noticed something in the corner of the hall, the unmistakable dulled shine of cold metal.

Slowly, he moved over to it.

A crowbar.

It would be better than nothing to defend himself with.

He grasped onto it with his free hand, still holding the box with his other hand. He couldn't let the box go now. He would get out of here alive. He would.

He pushed himself off of the ground, steadying his breathing as best he could.

He froze as a bright blue glow illuminated the room slightly.

Slowly turning, he saw her. The second one had arrived.

Anna stared at him with her head tilted to the side, eyes glowing, a mediocre expression on her face.

She said nothing. She only stared at him. Will wasn't even sure if she could speak, she never had. Maybe because she hadn't been around for as long as Elizabeth?

Will shivered. It always felt like those eyes of hers were piercing right through him.

Her head turned slightly until her eyes landed on the box in his hand.

Will moved his arm, hiding the box behind his back, but it was too late. She had seen what he had, and no matter how long she had been around for, she knew what it meant.

She raised her arm, and Will grasped at his throat, feeling his breath catching and staying there. The crowbar hit the floor with a clatter, but she didn't seem to notice or care.

Will could see black spots in the corners of his vision, and in desperation, did the first thing that came to mind. He swung his foot upwards, kicking her as hard as he could.

She fell backwards, hitting the floor, and Will could breathe again.

He gasped, suddenly extremely grateful for oxygen. Beside him, Anna's form flickered and disappeared.

She wasn't dead, Will knew. She was only biding her time, and that scared the hell out of him.

Ten seconds. You get ten seconds. He thought.




If only the others knew. If only he had the guts to tell them. Maybe then he wouldn't be alone in this mess.




Too late for that now, though. If he made it out of here, there would be no reason to tell the others. If he didn't...




Well, no one would be able to tell them if he didn't make it out.


Picking the crowbar back up, he forced himself to walk. He'd be a sitting duck if he didn't.

He moved carefully through the halls, avoiding wires and scattered pieces of glass that littered the ground.

For a second, his curiosity grew. What had happened at this factory? Something big? Or just some stupid high-schoolers taking on a really idiotic dare?

Probably the latter.

He shook his head. He had to focus. If he let his thoughts run wild, he wouldn't pay attention to his surroundings. He wouldn't know where he was going. He wouldn't-

See the glow.

Will whipped around only to see Elizabeth standing a few feet away from him.

"Looks like there's nowhere left for you to run." She said, grinning.

He turned to see Anna standing behind him, the same expression on her face as before.

They had him trapped.

"You see, Will, this is why you never try to break a curse. It only leads to your ultimate end." Elizabeth smiled.

Will did the only thing he could think clearly enough to do. He swung the crowbar, and it went straight through her.

She stared at her shoulder, and slowly turned back to Will.

"Now, what'd you do that for?"

There was no way out. He couldn't hurt them, he couldn't get around them, he couldn't escape this nightmare.

The both of them closed in, and Will couldn't do anything but shield his face and wait for death.


This is apparently what happens when I get bored and hear "Die In A Fire". 

Why am I so obsessed with the whole Captain Fluke curse thing, you ask?

I have no idea. 

Song: Die In A Fire by The Living Tombstone

(This was orignally posted on my Deviantart. YAY FUN FACTS!)

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