10 Facts About Darklox!

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I'm making this chapter to basically explain some more things about Darklox, because I feel like I haven't been clear on some stuff about him. So here you go, ten things about the mean killing machine that is Darklox! 

1. Yes, Darklox is a demon. 

2. Darklox can only possess someone under two circumstances: either if the person is weak or off guard, or if the person has given consent. He cannot, under any other circumstances, possess someone(Even demons have to follow some rules). This explains how he has possesed everyone. Ty was too young to put up a fight, he caught Shane and Jin off-guard, and there's one more person who will be taken over, but I'll leave you to figure out who and in what way. 

3. Darklox has a weakness to enchanted items. He can only escape from them if caged if he gets very, very lucky, and enchanted weapons will harm him. Keep that in mind. 

 4. Darklox has a few new powers in the book, which he taught himself while trapped in the box. You'll discover what some of those powers include throughout the course of the book. 

5. Darklox is slightly insane, but then again, what good villain isn't a little insane?

6. Darklox enjoys making pop-culture references, so keep your eye out for some of them in his dialogue! 

7. As you learned in the last book, Darklox follows a rule he set himself: leave one to tell the story. This means that even if he is able to kill everyone he wants, he will leave one alive. However, in the book, the kids put up quite a fight against him, so I don't think you'll being seeing that rule be put to action in the book, but that might change, so be warned. >:)

8. When Darklox possesses someone, think of it kind of like the way Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls does it. He completely takes them over, but instead of leaving them out in the open alone, he traps them in their own mind. Only the eyes change, like Bill, but instead of changing the eyes yellow and the pupil to a slit, the color of the iris turns a solid red color.  He also uses the voice of the person he possesses, but there is a slight difference- the voice has a slightly lower pitch, and it sounds more...evil, I guess. So he's kind of like Bill, but not really, considering the fact that Darklox is not a yellow, one-eyed, bow-tie wearing triangle demon. 

9. Darklox tends toward a more sarcastic and mocking tone, he's more crazy-evil than he is serious-evil. But don't take this the wrong way- he is most definitely 100% evil. Not a shred of good in him. He is a demon, after all. 

10. When he isn't possessing anyone, Darklox looks like a figure of a teenage boy made of pure black smoke, with glowing, completely red eyes and a evil grin that seems to always be on his face. No other features are there except for the eyes and the smile. He can still do serious damage in this state, but if he's weakened, he doesn't do much, and he prefers to be possessing someone. 

So yeah, that's some facts about Darklox that I figured you guys would like to know! Hope you're enjoying Team Crafted 2nd Generation, and now that the plot has finally started up, get ready for an adventure unlike any other! :D


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