Dark Red Eyes (Curage)

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This is kind of sort of based off of Aleatoraye 's awesome Town of Salem AU, but at the same time, not really.

Warning: I wrote this through a time interval of 4:30 P.M. to 4:30 A.M. (because I was at a lock-in yesterday), so this might get bad towards the ending, I can't tell if it's bad or good, but yeah.

Note: In this short story, not everyone has a specific role.

"I'm a bad person."

"No, you aren't. You're just...erm... confused."

Rage turned, staring at Curaxu. "Cura, I just killed four people."

Cupquake. Seto. Jason. Evanz.


Evanz, one of Rage's only friends, was gone.

Because of Rage.

Because of the mess Rage had gotten himself into.

"Rage, it's not your fault-"

"It's completely my fault, Cura! I'm the one who made the decision to join the god-forsaken Mafia!"

Rage was shaking. He couldn't figure out how he lived with himself.

"You were pushed into it. How could you say no, when the only reason they didn't kill you was because Fluke wanted you to join? You'd be dead now if you had said no."

"Yeah, well maybe I'd prefer being dead over this." Rage muttered, casting a look at the floor.

Curaxu placed a hand on Rage's shoulder. "Hey. Look at me."

Rage slowly looked up, and Curaxu could see how broken he was. It was like the happiness that used to be in those dark red eyes had been sucked out of him, leaving an empty soul behind.

"Don't you dare say that being dead would be better, okay? You never meant for this to happen."

"That doesn't matter anymore, Cura. It doesn't matter that I never meant for this to happen, and it won't matter to the rest of the town, either. What matters here is that Evanz is dead, and I'm the one holding the knife. That's all the town will see."

"Didn't I tell you already? I won't let them lynch you, I swore on my life I wouldn't."

"Why do you still trust me?" Rage asked. "You just watched me kill four people, one of them being one of my best friends."

Rage never really understood it. Besides, he wanted Curaxu to stay far away from him. He wouldn't be able to go on knowing he had killed Curaxu.

"Because I care about you, Rage." Curaxu said. "I want to make sure that no matter how deep you get into this mess, there'll be someone to pull you back. That person's going to be me, okay?"

Rage's heart felt five times lighter. "Okay."

And then he remembered who was next on the Mafia's list.

"Cura, I need to tell you something..."

"What?" Curaxu asked, and then he saw the look on Rage's face. "...It's me, isn't it?"

Rage slowly nodded. "They want me to frame you tomorrow, since I'm apparently "the best framer"..." He looked back at the ground, ashamed that he didn't know whether or not he was going to go through with it.

Curaxu was silent for a while. "Do it." He finally said, and Rage looked up, confused.

"What? But Cura-"

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