My Favorite Quotes :3

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"Sometimes me think: what is friend? And then me thinks: friend is someone to share last cookie with." -Cookie Monster

"Some people are worth melting for." -Olaf, Frozen

"Sometimes I think that the best proof that intelligent life is out there is that they haven't contacted us yet." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes

"Step in front of the mirror. If you're the kind of person who doesn't judge others based on their looks, why do it to yourself? You're beautiful." -Adam Dahlberg

"Haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna potate." -Unknown

"Not all heroes wear capes, some wear headphones." -Unknown, found on Team Crafted edit

"Well, Canada may have won the hockey game against the US, [in the Olympics] but they have Justin Bieber, soooo..." -Awesomeness1405 (because I can)

"After all, if we don't [forgive haters], how are we any better than a hater ourselves?" -OheoCookieh

"I went from zero, to my own hero."
-Katy Perry, Roar

"Awkward intro is awkward." -ihasCupquake

"Shoutout to my haters, sorry you couldn't faze me." -Nicki Minaj, Moment 4 Life

"When life kicks your butt, remember to kick it back right in the face." -Robert Downey Jr., Kids Choice Awards 2014

Stuff. Just Stuff.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora