Side Chapter 1 - Amy

13 2 4

Sydney, Australia
19.09 00:30am



Amy had been crying nonstop since Sam had walked through her door. She couldn't believe what she just had done. She regretted it all. She wanted Sam back. She could still see Sam's eyes as she had left and how Sam had been struggling to hold back her tears. 

Amy hadn't had to worry about that. Her tears were out long before. 

Amy couldn't help worrying about her. Sam always did stupid things when she got upset. She could get seriously hurt. Amy knew Sam never tried to prevent getting hurt and the bottle she went to for help didn't make the situation better. 

"Sam should be home by now."  Amy thought.''I really hope she's okay''

Amy wanted to call. She had stood with her phone in her hand for a long time. Her finger hovering over Sam's name. 

Amy couldn't stop herself as the finger started moving. Her finger slipped on the phone screen. She started moving around the room. The beeps from the phone were torture. 


She could feel her heart kicking. She didn't know what she was going to do if Sam picked up. 


Not that she really knew what she would do if Sam didn't either. She couldn't go to sleep again. She knew she wouldn't be able to do that not knowing if Sam was safe or not. 


''please answer'' she said silently to herself. '' no actually please don't''


Amy fell onto her sofa. She tried to get comfy but quickly jumped up again. As she heard Sam's voice.

''Hi this is Sam'' the voice said.

Amy felt her heart sink again as she heard the words that came next.

'' I can't come to the phone right now. Please leave a message after the beep. BEEP.... I'm just kidding that wasn't the real beep. The real one is coming now. BEEP.... Tricked you again. OK here it.... ''

Amy hung up the phone. She could feel her heart sink even lower. She needed some fresh air.


The fresh air did wonders upon her but she got this feeling something was wrong.

Amy was lost in her own mind when she walked into a group of people surrounding someone on the ground. She tried to see what was happening but the crowd was too big. She just wished it wasn't... No it couldn't be. She won't allow her to think about it. 

A guy forced his way into the crowd and into the middle. He said something to the crowd that made them loosen up and go away as he lifted the person up.

Amy's face was pale as she saw who it was. She was bloody and bruised but Amy could recognize that hair anywhere. The way it shined in the light. The shirt she wore that they had gotten on their first date.

Amy ran forward towards her.

'' SAM. SAAM.''

A man stepped out and stopped her.

'' Let me go. I need to help her. I know her. Let me help. Please let me help. '' Amy screamed as tears started to fall.

The man made no moves as to move.

'' please let me go. I just need to see her. Let me go. ''

The man just started holding her even harder back as she saw Sam getting put into the backseat of a car. Sam tried to rip free but the man just forced onto the ground where she could do nothing but watch as the car drove away.  


Tomorrow Never CameOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora