4// The Emptiness In Me

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20.09, 0:15am

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They were supposed to watch the girl lying crumbled on the hard, stone floor. Why they were supposed to do it, they didn't know. All they knew was what it said on the note in their hand.

Which note? They couldn't remember until they took up their hand to scratch themself.

''Is this the note?'' they said loudly to themself.

Why did they speak so loud? they asked themself. They tried to talk softer but it was as if their mind had forgotten how to do that. They couldn't stop themselves from giggling loudly. Their whole body convulsing with each breath. The laughter echoed in the bare room. Wheezing, they looked at the note in their hand.

"Chris you have to watch over the girl" it read.

Did that mean that they were Chris? They didn't feel like a girl, but not a boy either. They had to be Chris.

They liked that name. Chris.

"I am Chris," they said. "My name is Chris and I am going to watch the girl."

Chris's eyes floated around the room. The room was a minty green colour with a dimmed light level. The only furniture in the room was a rocking chair and a single, wooden door. There were no windows that gave Chris any indication of anything happening outside.

"Do I live here?" Chris asked themself. "If I do, I need to get some more furniture. "

Chris walked over to the rocking chair and plumped down. The chair was comfortable as Chris rocked in it.

The girl on the floor seemed to be very uncomfortable where she layed. Chris walked over to where the girl was, sprawled on the floor. Her face was weirdly familiar but they couldn't remember why. Chris closed their eyes and tried to remember. Chris could feel a hand on his cheek. Tears started forming in their eyes.

''Everything will be okay, Chris. Don't you worry. I'm going to come back for you. Do you hear me?"

Tears streamed down Chris's face. The voice was so close but so far away, almost as if it were tucked away in the farthest corners of their mind. This voice and the hand they could feel on their cheek was familiar, but blurred in their mind.

The hand continued wandering on their cheek, the soft strokes making them feel comforted. It was trailing down their cheek and face, it's movements different. Something felt very wrong. It was all so rough and quick. The hand closed around their throat. Chris opened their eyes and found the girl choking them. Chris could feel a feeling growing inside of them. The shadows in the room started to move. The girl jumped away, startled, as the shadows dragged her on her feet and slammed her into the wall.

Chris jumped when the shadows let out a loud snarl

"Sam Wilson. Your time is yet to come but it will come sooner rather than later."

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