2 // 𝚆𝚊𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚄𝚙

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Oslo, Norway
19.09 8:55am 

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Seb woke up with a start. Lately he had been getting a lot of weird dreams. Those dreams had happened in a few weeks by now.. This time, it was about a boy with dark brown hair and crystal green eyes. Even asleep Seb could feel his heart flutter. In this dream he just stood in the corner of the room, and watched all the boy did. The boy walked over to the window and opened it. He sat down on the windowsill. For a moment, Seb thought he saw that he saw him. But the boy quickly turned his attention to the outside again. He stood up and took a salto out of the window. Seb couldn't believe his own eyes. He ran toward the window, but fell down and scraped his knee. He quickly got up again, but it was too late. Seb could only look as the boy fell. Seb was terrified. As he fell. 

Seb woke up startled, and took a quick glance at the clock. 08:55, it read.

“Fuck, I'm gonna be late,” he sweared. He threw on a pair of jeans and shirt. He ran down the stairs, grabbed an apple, picked up his bag and ran out of the door.

The school was a 10 minute walk away. Seb ran down the streets. The feeling of running was wonderful. All the thoughts about that night's dream was gone. But when Seb stopped in front of the school, all of those thoughts came back. He felt like he had seen this boy before. But where? Seb couldn't remember. The dream had seemed real enough. That's when he felt it. A warm trickle. He pulled up his trousers and on his knee was a trickle of blood. Seb didn't understand why he bled. He hadn't fallen or crashed into anything on his way. The only time he got hurt was in that dream. Seb pushed the thoughts away. It wasn't possible. It had only been a dream. Hadn't it?

”SEBASTIAN OLSEN,” someone shouted as he entered the classroom.

He looked up. Of course. Of course they had math with her in the first class of the day. The teacher stood over Seb with a predatory glare.

“Why are you late?” she asked with a voice that rumbled with anger.

Seb didn't answer. For the first, he was only one minute late. And second, he knew that everything would only be worse if he talked back. It wouldn't be the first time he got detention for doing that Besides, he knew it wouldn't help. He just walked to his seat in the back of the class. 

The lesson was long and boring. The teacher sat at her desk and talked about how to find the areal of a triangle. Seb had a hard time following along. Not because he was bad at math. Quite the opposite. The ground beneath him wobbled, and he found himself on the ground. People looked at him, some even laughed. But Seb didn't care, for he had just remembered where he had seen the boy.

It had been in another dream. This time, he had been in a tree. A funeral was taking place. The boy was one of the few people who had been there. It was a sad sight. The priest looked bored. The person... Seb was sure it was the same boy even though he looked younger in this dream. In this dream the boy had seen him. There was no doubt now, at least not after last night's dream. He even had started to walk towards him. He only stopped when the woman beside him grabbed him and started crying on his shoulder. Seb didn't know how, but a name popped into his head. The boy's name. 

Jason Smith. 

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