1 // The Wind In My Hair

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1 // 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚆𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝙸𝚗 𝙼𝚢 𝙷𝚊𝚒𝚛

New York city, US
19.09, 3am 


It was my 14th birthday. I wasn't awoken with song, food and gifts on the bed like every normal year. When the doorbell rang, I knew it wasn't good news. I looked at the clock, 2:30am. Nobody was visiting at 2:30am. Not a pleasant visit at least. I knew it when my mother opened and started to cry. I could hear muffled voices through the thin walls. "I'm so sorry", an unknown female voice said. However, I could hear that she wasn't sorry at all. I knew it then. I knew what had happened . I just lay there. I couldn't move. My eyes were on the edge of tears but I couldn't cry. 

I remember that a few minutes later the door to my room opened, and my mother stepped in. I don't remember much of what she said but I picked up the most important: my father had died. My father was dead. I would never see him again. 

 He had been killed by a mugger, they said. He had gone into the wrong side of the city. I didn't believe her. My father wouldn't have anything to do down there. Something was wrong and I felt it in my body. The next morning the police had given up the investigation. No one was taken for the murder. It was like my father never had existed. 

The funeral was just as bad. It was only me, my mom, my 8 year old sister who was 6 then, and my aunt on my mother's side. The priest stood there and mumbled some words about how much my father was loved, but from the looks of it, he wasn't. That's when I saw it. A shadow in the treetop. It looked weirdly humanoid. Before I could even think I was starting to move. Like a magnet, the creature dragged me towards the tree. I didn't stop until my mom took my arm and started sobbing on my shoulder. When I looked back at the tree the creature was gone.

I’m 16 now. I looked at the clock. 3:00am. It was around now for two years since my mom had come into my room. I hadn't slept at night since then, and tonight wasn't an exception. I got out of bed and threw on some jeans and my favorite hoodie. It still smelled like my ex boyfriend. The thought of him calms me but also makes my heart hurt. 

I walked over to the window and opened it. The fresh air swept over me soothingly. I stepped out through the window and sat on the windowsill. I looked down at the ground 12 stories down. In the corner of my eye there was something, something blurry. It kinda looked like the thing from my dad's funeral, but when I tried to focus on it, it disappeared. 

I turned my attention towards the city again. The wind messed up my brown hair and caressed my cheek. I saw the line of city lights and the cars far below. My feet and head took a quick decision before I stood up in the window. The windowsill said goodbye and the pavement opened it's arms, as I took a salto out of the window. 


Tomorrow Never CameOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora