Chapter 11: Goodbyes and Hellos

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"Edward you better go.." you mutter as the room falls silent. "But I-" "JUST GO!" You shout and he quickly runs out of the room. "What will they remember?" Esme asks. "They will remember everything up to the day they saw him. Now this spell has ways around it so it's best that Edward stays far away from my family, because if they see him again it will trigger the memories once again." You explain. "Thank you Y/n. You've done great things for my family, and we are entirely grateful." Carlisle says. "Of course. I should get them home before they start asking questions" your father and Amos begin to look around with confused faces. "I'm sorry in advance.." you mutter and pull your wand out once more and before they can say anything you say "Petrificus Totalus" and point your wand at both of them. They both fall to the ground with their legs together and arms to their side. "What did you do?!" Rosalie questions. "I paralyzed them, temporarily of course." Everyone takes a step back from you "And you're the only one who can reverse it?" Jasper wonders. "Any wizard or witch could if they know the right charm or spell." You explain "Embry do you mind putting them in the car?" " he nods and takes your father and Amos to the car. "Well I should be going. Thank you for the great hospitality" you were grabbing your things as someone grabs you "Hey" a voice says and you turn around to see Bella. "Oh it's just you, what did you need?" She sighs "I want to know what all that was about." You laugh "I thought Edward would've told you. He was a wizard before a vampire. I knew him back in London and we were best friends since we were babies, but then he died and so I moved and turns out he's alive." You explain shortly. "Oh.." she mutters "I'm guessing he didn't tell you the whole story.. well ig sucks being a muggle doesn't it?" You tease "A what?" You laugh "Nothing,Nothing I shall be going it was great meeting you" you give her a small smile and you walked back to the kitchen to say bye to Jasper when both Jasper and Rosalie approach you. "Oh hey I was just looking for you." You say to Jasper. "Well I'll let you two catch up in a bit, Y/n I know we didn't get off on the right foot but I'd like to change that. I should've given you a chance when Jasper first brought you home, but I was just protecting our secret." She explains. "It's no big deal friends?" She nods before making her way back to Emmett. "So you're werewolf property now huh?" He teases "Noo he was protecting me and he will continue to protect me. He doesn't have to be my lover, but I also don't want to hurt him. " you explain "Do you love him?" Jasper looks down at you. "I bearly know him, he's amazing but I'd want to explore my options, he knows that nothing is official yet" you add and Jasper smiles to himself "I'll see you around then?" He asks "Of course." You give him a hug and you turn around to see Embry waiting at the door for you. You walk to him and you drive your father and Amos home.

You and Embry carry your father and Amos in. You pull out your wand and whisper "Reparifors" your father and Amos both get up your father clearly angry. "Y/n! Why did you do that?" "I had to get you home and you were just non-stop talking.. I'm sorry I just had to get my homework done" you explain and he sighs "You aren't supposed to use magic you know that." "Actually I can use magic I'm 17 remember?" "You know what I mean Y/n. You're a muggle born wizard and you can't risk getting found out." He adds and you agree "I know but trust me it was important.." "Well all is forgive, but I must be heading off back to London. I hope to visit again sometime soon it was lovely." Amos says as he says his goodbyes.

The next morning you were eating breakfast with your father. "So Embry huh?" Your father teases "No dad. We are just friends okay?" He laughs "Okay okay. I must be off to work" he kisses your head before leaving. You finish your breakfast and go upstairs to your room.

Moments later there was a knock at the door, so you ran downstairs to get it. You opened the door and your mouth dropped to the floor. Two red headed twins stood in front of your doorstep. "Fred..George" "Y/n!" They both say synchronized as they pull you in for a hug...

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