Chapter 18: Gringotts

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Bellatrix storms in screaming "GRAB THEM!" as you were apparating she throws her knife towards you.

You and the others make it out of the room into what looks like a sandy beach. You tried to stand up but you realized.. Bellatrix's knife reached you... "Y/n!" Hermione screams running to you. You were holding on to your stomach as blood filled your shirt. "H-Hermione do something!" Draco begs "I-I don't know where my bag is.." she and the others look around all in the sand. Draco pulls out his wand "I-I think I know a spell" he kneels over you and whispers "Vulnera Sanentur" he moves his wand over your wound. The blood begins to disappear. "Professor snape used this spell on me.." he mutters pulling away. "We need to find Ron" Harry adds "Right, let's go" Draco helps you stand up.

Finally Edward leads you to where he left Ron and Embry. "Now that everyone's together we need to get to somewhere safe, perhaps a muggle diner of some sort" Hermione adds. Embry's leg and Rons arm were a lot better. 

You all make it some diner, it was empty besides the workers. "Okay so which horocrux's do we have so far?" Edward asks "I destroyed Tom riddles diary 2nd year and we have the locket. We know the goblet is one and Marvels gaunts ring but we haven't gotten much further.." Harry explains. "Seems like he took something from each house. Salazar Slytherins locket, Helga Hufflepuff's goblet, and Ravenclaw and Gryffindor are the only ones left" you add and they all nod "there is Godric Gryffindor's sword but it helped me kill the Basilisk so why would it be a horocrux?" Harry asks "Well the Basilisk venom destroyed the first horocrux.. so it's obviously the only way to destroy it.. maybe we should focus on the horocrux's we do know about first." I explain. "So first Helga's cup. Where would that be?" Hermione pulls open a book "It's supposed to be in Gringotts.. but in Bellatrix's vault.." she mutters "There's no way we are getting in their, we would be noticed" Ron adds. You pull out poly juice potion "Here, we just need something of Bellatrixs" Hermione takes out something from her bag. "I took this along time ago incase it was needed" she hands you a bag with a piece of Bellatrixs hair. You put it into the poly juice. "Only 3 others can go because I have 3 hairs from other death eaters. Narcissa Malfoy, Fenrir Greyback and Antonin Dolohov" you reply. "I'll go with you all so it isn't so suspicious" Draco explains. "Y/n should take Narcissa' s and then Harry and Ron should come" he adds "What about us?" Bella chimes "You'll stay here." "Why can't I go?" You roll your eyes "Only wizards or witches should go. You wouldn't understand what is going on" you snap she rolls her eyes. "Okay enough, Y/n I'd right only wizards should go they would smell a muggle from a mile away" Edward mutters. You Hermione, Ron, and Harry all take a drink of the poly juice potions and begin to change. Your face bubbles as it changes into Narcissa Malfoy "That is really weird.." Draco looks at you. "Let's get going" you all grab hands and apparate to the front of Gringotts. "Okay Hermione it's all up to you" Ron says "Oh wow no pressure, thanks Ronald!" She snaps walking into Gringotts "You stupid goblins! Take me to my vault" she screeches trying to get Bellatrix's voice. "Madam Lestrange, what a sudden surprise" they look at Hermione intensely along with  the rest of you. "Present your wand please" one of the goblins saysz "and why is that n-necessary" Hermione's voice cracks "It's policy so please-" "I-I don't understand why it's policy!" She shouts and Draco steps up "excuse me, I'm Draco Malfoy, here is my and my mothers wand to prove we are who we are. My aunt is a bit stubborn and we just need to get to the vault" they look at the wands "Follow me" all of us get into the vaults train car and get in. Once we reach the vault the goblin takes a bell. There was a huge dragon asleep at the bottom of the bank and finally we make it across. "Here it is" each one of us begin looking searching for the Goblet when the shelves begin to fall trophies and other metals falling all around you and dragging you down. "I know imposters when I see some" the Goblin says before calling down more guards. "Harry! Up there!" You scream. On the top of the last shelf there it was Helga Hufflepuffs goblet. You,Hermione, Ron and Draco were all sinking rapidly "Harry go!" Hermione shouts and then everything went dark..

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