Chapter 20: Alice

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"The Volturi?!" Edward exclaims "That's impossible!"

"I wish it wasn't true, but there's tons of them we don't stand a chance!" Hermione responds.

"I-I have to get my family, I have to go to them"

"It's too dangerous now, they have this whole place surrounded it's only a matter of time for them to bust through that spell and the guards to get in here" You add

"No. Alice, Alice would've seen the future she would've known-"

"That's why we are here." Alice's familiar voice echos behind you.

"Jasper.." You mutter and he half smiles.

"I told you getting these people involved was bad news Edward" Alice snaps.

"They don't know Alice. That's all we have to say"

"They can sense a lie from a mile away you know that!"

"Alice nows not the time to be fighting over this okay?" Jaspers chimes in and walks over to you

"We need to be ready. At any moment they'll come running in and we need everyone to be prepared" Harry adds

"They are after Harry at least Voldemort is. We should split off to try to get them separated as much as possible" Hermione states

Embry grabs your hand "Are you sure we should be here?" he whispers

"I have to...these are my people, my family. I have to protect my family" He nods "Well i'm right here with you"

"Alice, Rosalie and Ron can handle one group, Embry, Y/n, Jaser and Hermione can handle another, Harry, Edward and Emmet can handle another"

"The rest of the school will be off fighting as well but for us we need to stick together" Harry adds

All of a sudden the breaking of the barrier spell shatters and the unwanted comes running in

"Go! Go!Go!" Hermione yells and everyone splits up.

"Hermione how is this going down?!" You ask as you're running down flights of stairs.

"All we need is the snake.." She mutters "All we need is the snake.."

"Harry's got this right?" Jasper asks

"Harry always has this, he can do this I know he can"

Embry turns into his werewolf form as you approach a group of death eaters.

"Watch out!" You yell to Hermione who dodges a spell and quickly returns one.

"Does anyone have the tooth?! I see the snake we can kill it but I need the venom of the tooth!" Hermione yells

"Yes! Yes! Embry has one around his neck!" You stop grabbing the tooth from around his neck when a spell hits you knocking both you and the tooth away and into a wall.

"y/n!" Hermione squeals

A drop of blood falls down your forehead "Here!" You toss the tooth to Hermione and she runs towards the snake as Jasper helps you up.

"You okay?!" You nod and jump to your feet "Let's finish this"

Hermione slashes nagini into pieces and that was the final horcrux we needed.

"Enough!" A loud voice echos through the crowd.

"The Cullens. I'm looking for the Cullens"

Jasper looks at you "That's Aro..."

"It's this one Aro" a figure appears behind you that causes you to gasp

Before you could react he grabs you taking you to Aro.

"She reeks of werewolf just like Alice said. I told you we'd find her quickly." the figure says.

"Alice? W-What did she say"

Aro smiles that creepish grin "Wow" he grabs your hair softly "You sure are a pretty one"

"If the Cullens don't come up, we'll snap this precious girls neck" Aro exclaims and Alice was front and center.

"Sorry princess looks like no one's coming for you today" Alice mutters

"Why?! Why did you tell on your own family and then act like you're here to help?!

"You've been nothing but a problem for my family and I want you gone" She snaps and from the distance you can see the rest of Hogwarts appearing with the Cullens.

"Well what do we have here?" Aro smiles

"Your friends actually came to help you!"

"Leave them alone!" You yell and Aro slaps you and that's when everything went black...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2023 ⏰

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