Chapter 13: The Bite

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It's been a week since Fred and a George came and you haven't heard from Embry either, probably because you were with the Cullens. Fred and George sent a howler that read

Goooood Morning gorgeous!
We are here to tell you Harry, Hermione
and Ron plan on leaving in a month. We
hope you can make it in time. Hermione says
you can bring your friend Embry I think?
Anyways we will see you soon.
We love you!
-Fred and George

The howler slowly burns and then it's gone. "What was that?" Jasper asks. "It's called a howler. Usually when students were in trouble they would receive one. Quite fascinating if you ask me" you explain and he nods his head "So Y/n have you talked to Edward at all since you've been here?" You shake your head "No not at all. He's been avoiding me I'm sure" you reply "Well uhm Y/n I was wondering, only if you're up to it. I wanted to know if you'd want to go out with me tonight?" He asks quickly "Jasper Hale are you asking me out?" You tease. "Ha- ha very funny, but yes yes I am" he says more confidently. "I suppose I can make time for you" he smiles lightly "okay well I'll meet you down in 10 minutes." He says before leaving.

Minutes later you walk down and Jasper leads you to the beach.

"Jasper it's beautiful!"  He blushed a bit "Well surprisingly Rosalie helped

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"Jasper it's beautiful!" He blushed a bit "Well surprisingly Rosalie helped." He mutters "Well it's amazing thank you.." he brought plenty of snacks and meals even though he doesn't eat.

As the night goes on and the sun begins to set you begin packing up the picnic "oh I can't take it anymore" Jasper mutters and grabs your face and kisses you. Except when he pulls away he looks terrified "Jasper what's wron-" in a flash he sinks his teeth into your neck causing a sharp pain. "J-Jasper stop!" You scream and he drops you. "W-what did I do!" He shouts wiping the blood off his mouth "No. no no no no!" the vampire venom begins to spread through your body. Excruciating pain is all you are feeling and he is afraid of what he might have done "I'll be back okay?!" He mutters before running off. It feels like hours before Jasper comes back with Carlisle and Edward "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Edward shouts pushing Jasper "Edward enough! She needs you right now" Carlisle snaps "What do we do?" Your whole throat feels like it's closing and you can breath "She can turn or you can suck the venom out.." he mutters "B-but what if I don't stop?!" "Just do it.. you wouldn't hurt her" he answers and lifts you up so he can reach your neck and he begins to take the venom out.

You wake up the next day in the hospital a bandage wrapped around your neck. You feel weak and unable to move. Embry was asleep in one chair next to you and Edward was next to him pretending to be asleep. You try to get up but he stops you "Y/n.. stop you're not strong enough" he mutters softly "I.. I need to leave I- I have to start practicing spells they need me-" he cuts you off "What the hell are you talking about Y/n?" He questions "I'm going on the hunt for Voldemort's horcruxs" you explain "You're what?!" He says loudly "Shhh! Yes Hermione and the others are leaving soon. I'm just waiting for my ticket and then I'm on my way. The faster I get there the more time I can study. I haven't used magic in ages besides certain charms and stuff.. I need to help them save Harry Potter, Edward" you add and he scoffs "Yeah and I did too, which is how I died so it's a bad idea Y/n! You can get seriously hurt or well you can die.. don't die for Harry Potter.. you haven't lived enough" "I'll be fine, besides Embry is coming with us. Not that I really have a choice he would find me, but Hermione thinks it's a good idea." He sighs "I think it's time I come out of hiding then" he mutters "No! No no way that will only throw everyone off" you chime "Then only Harry,Hermione and Ron will know. You can ask them to keep it a secret until we find all the horcruxs" you shake your head "I just don't know if that will work, besides I'm sure Embry is still pretty upset about.." you point to your neck and Edwards face falls "I am so sorry about that Y/n.. I never wanted you involved in any of this and all I've done is brought you harm.." you give him a small smile "I've done it to myself.. I stayed when you clearly knew bad things would happen, but I don't regret it. Cedric your my bestfriend..  maybe it's not the same but I will always see you as the shy but brave young Hufflepuff I met all those years back.." he smiles a bit when an owl flies through the window with a letter and a package.

Dear Y/n,
It's Hermione. Here is your ticket for platform 9 3/4 . We will be in the room of requirement at Hogwarts when it's time to meet us. I sent you one of the Basilisk fangs for safekeeping, just incase anyone found out it destroys horcruxs. Now just keep that safe, perhaps around your werewolf
friends neck would be pretty safe I'd say.
Now I hope to see you soon.. I can use someone who actually understands what I'm saying.
With love

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