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Here's a quick guide! Bold font means speaking with sign. Italicized font means Kokichis thoughts. Italicized and underlined means anyone else thoughts. ' is for Kokichi '
" is for anyone else " Speech with just " " is regular.

"Uhhh... Kokichi?" Shuichi stood there. "Kokichi, I promise I'll leave you alone if you tell me about yourself.." Shuichi sighed. Immediately after that, Kokichi looked into Shuichis eyes. He then signed, "I'm Kokichi Ouma. Kiki is what my friends calls me, and no, you're not allowed to. I'm 16, and in 11th grade. I go to school alone. And I don't need you." Kokichi was brutally honest, getting the point across to the other male. "Oh, and I don't ever want to talk to you."

Shuichi was dumbfounded. "Ah- uhm- alright.." He then walked away, leaving Kokichi all by himself. After a few minutes, the blue haired male heard a loud bang. "Huh- What was that?" he questioned. "Ah.. Maybe Kokichi was trying to get my attention.." That, in fact, was the case. Kokichi slammed his hand onto the table, hoping it was loud enough for Saihara to hear.

"Yes, Kokichi?" 'Are you hungry.' "No... not really." 'Well I am. Go make me food fuckwad." 'Fuck...wad? Whatever..' Shuichi walked to the kitchen, grabbing some soup. Kokichi watched him. 'He better be good at cooking...'

After a few minutes, the stove was heated up, and Shuichi put on the pot with soup in it. Within a few minutes, the soup was boiling. He then took the pot off and poured the soup evenly into two bowls. He then placed the bowls down. One was next to Kokichi, and the other was in front of him where Shuichi would sit. "Here you go Kokichi!" he smiled at the smaller male. 'You're not sitting with me.' "Oh uhm.. Alright..." he slowly got up, leaving. 'I guess I'll eat alone..'

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