Post Disaster

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Cass wasn’t sure what to do, after all, she had only just followed her dad expecting a boring day. Clearly, it was the complete opposite of boring. Bee decided to try and catch up with Jazz and Wheeljack, but Ratchet and Optimus made their way over to Teletraan One. Cass seemed to be far more interested in learning how to work Teletraan rather than hearing about Cybertron. She stood some ways away behind Ratchet as he pressed buttons and spoke to Optimus.

“Honestly, this is the weirdest thing I've ever had to deal with. Much weirder than finding out a curly straw caused the worst war in all of history…” he grumbled. “Teletraan, get me communications to Rodimus Prime.” Ratchet commanded.

The satellite on top of the computer whirled around for a moment before stopping and stretching out towards the sky. The screen flickered for a moment, and in a fit of frustration Ratchet slammed his fist on the computer dash. Finally, a bright image appeared.

There sat another autobot, his body colored like fire with bright orange, red, and yellow. He showed up with a smile, as though he was happy to hear from Earth. “Sooo, what did you guys think of?” he asked a little too cheerfully for the current situation.

“The only thing we managed to think of is that Prime couldn’t be the only one. So we’re going to keep an eye on Earth for the time being. Do you think you can send some others down here to help?” Ratchet asked.

Rodimus sighed. “Figures. I guessed something like that was going to happen. I’ll be back and forth between Cybertron and Earth to keep tabs on things, but in the meantime I’ll send some others down for you. Any requests?” He asked.

“No, just send whoever. We’ll call you again if we get any news.”

“Copy that.” then the signal stopped, and the screen returned to blue, waiting for a new command.

“Honestly, I don’t know what I expected from Cade. Do you mind being stuck down here for a week or so?” Ratchet asked Optimus. He shook his head.

“It’s much better than being stuck on Junkion.” He pointed out.

Cass stared up at the computer screen, which was clearly old, but it worked and showed images just fine. “How do you work that thing?” she asked, slightly startling the two autobots.

“I still don’t even know where you came from. Have you been standing there the whole time?” Ratchet questioned as he crossed his arms.

“Yep. was that Rodimus up there?” She asked a different question.

Ratchet scoffed, “Obviously. If you have been standing there long enough you would have heard me telling Teletraan to call him.”

“I did, but I still thought I should  ask. Care to tell me how this thing works?” she walked her way up to the computer’s dash, staring up and down at the various screens and buttons.

“Very few humans know how to work Teletraan, even John and Dawn have trouble figuring it out from time to time. I doubt someone like you would be able to-” while Ratchet was talking Cass had managed to access Teletraan’s satellite.

“We should have it search through news stations and radio broadcasts and see if it can pick out anything that would signify more Autobots.” Cass suggested, though she couldn’t figure out how to do specifics at that moment.

Ratchet opened his mouth to argue, but quickly stopped. “Thats, uhm, not actually a bad idea. Let me do that…” she moved out of his way as he pressed buttons and flipped switches before the satellite dish began to spin again. “There. It’ll all collect into a file, which also happens to be on the one human computer down there. Anything that goes on here will be copied.” He explained, pointing to the nearby cubicle. “You’re smart, but unfortunately I think this might be your last day here.”

“What do you mean? It’s my first day… I was really just coming by to Shadow my dad.”

“Those two are pretty cautious. Which one do you belong to again?”

Cass scowled. “No one!” she huffed.

Ratchet let out a small laugh. “I like that answer, but that’s not what I meant. Who’s your father?”

“O-Oh, right, John is.” she replied.

Ratchet chuckled. “Oh yeah, you may not come back after today, even if you do work here. Your father is really irrational when it comes down to it. Sorry, kid.”

Cass pursed her lips, but refused to believe that her father would keep her away from something as amazing as this. Ratchet turned his attention back to Optimus as she made her way back to Bumblebee’s side.

“...Oh, and I forgot to mention that Cass is new to all of this. It’s her first time being here at Nest.” Bee told him as he glanced down at the pale human.

And my last she wanted to say, but she didn’t. Aside from the shock of a previously dead leader suddenly walking and talking like he had just woken up from a nap, Bee seemed really happy. She didn’t want what Ratchet said to possibly be a reality, nor did she want it to bring Bee down. Cass smiled. “It’s really cool to meet some more of you guys. Bee tells me a lot about you all.”

“So, I noticed you over there with Ratchet. Was he mean to you at all?” Jazz asked, kneeling down just as he did earlier.

“Not mean, just grumpy. He has every right to be too. I kinda popped up out of the blue, and if a random human ran up to me asking lots of questions I’d be grumpy too.” Cass said, stuffing her hands into her pockets as she glanced back over at Optimus, who quickly took notice of her stare.

“Bah, don’t worry about Ratchet. He’s like that to everyone. It’ll get better over time.” she snapped her attention back to the two autobots in front of her as Bumblebee spoke, swatting his arm as though he were shooing away a fly.

“Besides, he’s just an old man. You wanna hang out with the cool Autobots.” Jazz said cockily with a smirk.

Bee looked as though he was going to argue, but instead he just sighed and smiled.

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