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Focusing was no longer easy. They were stuck trying to think of things that their father may have lied about without it being obvious. They had figured he had lied some months ago trying to scare them away from working at Nest, but what else could there have been? Why did he think it was better to hide her away rather than just letting others know that he had a kid?

Cass only realized their focus was shot when Ratchet tried getting their attention to help Autumn answer a question. The only way he got it was by having Autumn throw her pen at Cass, which they caught out of the air before it hit them. It was so mindless that it took a moment to process what was going on.

“I’m sure you know that by watching lessons I’ll be quizzing you too. Care to correct Miss Remiel?”

She spun around the pen, trying to recall what had been asked in the first place. “Umm… a little help? I was distracted.” she excused.

Ratchet sighed and waved it away. “Bah, nevermind. It was the main Fuel Line. However I think that’s a good place to stop for now. We’ll continue the topic tomorrow.” He dismissed Autumn.

Cass tossed her the pen back, which she scrambled to catch before joining Cass by their side with an unamused expression. “You know you’re not supposed to be back until next monday. Why are you here?”

Ratchet, who had his eyes placed in a microscope, chipped in. “I already tried to chide them, but they’re fully healed. They can return to working if they want.”

Autumn scowled. “He already told me, but I don’t believe it. That thing should still be a cluster of scabs! And this-” she pointed to Cass’ scar, which they promptly attempted to cover up. “-That’s not normal either! You got that cut yesterday!”

“I’ve already dealt with everyone’s bewilderment. If I had any answers for you then you’d already have them. At this point I’d rather shrug it off.” she grumbled.

“Maybe,” Ratchet said, “Or it’s something to look into. Run some tests if you’re so worried about it.”

Autumn brushed her hair out of her face, scowling at the medic. “I don’t even know what kind of tests you’d begin to run for that.”

Cass didn’t like the talk of tests, let alone on her. She cringed at the thought of needles stealing her blood and being examined at microscopic levels. All for what? Just to try and figure out something that had always happened? It was more than normal for her, but with the way everyone was reacting she wished she would have stayed home. Sure it had happened a tad bit faster than usual, but it didn’t exactly bother her. She’d rather heal fast than sit in pain for the next few days.

Arriving home was the same as usual, only Cass’ father picked up on the sudden change in demeanor. This made him seem eager to retreat to his room, as he stood from his recliner and attempted to run from her wrath. She was good at controlling it, but this simply was too much to keep shut in. She felt like a boiling tea kettle, and the steam was starting to make its loud whistle. Cass glared at him as she shut the front door behind her.

“Sit back down.” she commanded sternly.

He listened shakily, avoiding her gaze. “Welcome home, I see you must’ve had an interesting day-”

“Cade told me something interesting all right.”

John’s shoulders slumped as he met her glare. Her voice didn’t sound angry, but her striking blue eyes said enough for her. He went completely pale as though Cass had just caught fire in front of him.

“W-Whatever do you mean? I’m sure Cade says a lot of interesting things!” He stammered, tugging at his t-shirt collar.

Cass crossed her arms. “You know what he said? It was quite silly, actually, he said that you kept me a secret from everyone at Nest for at least 15 years! How crazy is that?” She inquired sarcastically.

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