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   Starting stories is always hard, wouldn’t you agree? Yes you, the reader. This story might not even be easy to follow either. But, we do have many characters. First off, there’s Castellar, our protagonist. You probably won’t find them very interesting at first. The only interesting thing about them is the fact that they’ve hardly left their house, and only have one friend. They like reading and drawing, and that's about it. Hard to believe that they have enemies, yes? Well, they don't even know these enemies exist. Nor do they know of what world they’re about to be thrown into. And the day our story begins, is on their birthday.

   (The day this story starts, Cass goes by She/her pronouns. Not important to the plot, but it's important for their self discovery. Not to mention she's a reflection of me. Cass has she/they pronouns now)

   Cass awoke in the morning, the day of her seventeenth year of being on the earth. It may not seem like it's exciting or important, but Cass was ecstatic. She threw herself to her feet, and not having felt this excited in over a year she was beaming. Cass raced down the stairs of her house, each one creaking with the weight of her stomps.     “Dadddd!” she yelled out, waiting for a reply.
As expected, there was no reply. She could figure out where he was from there.
Without bothering to put on shoes she stepped outside, the grass against her bare feet feeling like little needles, as they were recovering from a harsh winter. She made her way to the barn, which sat a little ways away from their house. The paint was a dull red, as it had been years since her father had decided to repaint it. He felt that it’s dull color made it match their house better.
Cass walked up to the barn, sliding the door open just enough to squeeze herself inside. “DAD!” she yelled out. Instead of him replying like a normal person she was greeted with a loud CLANG followed by what sounded like an avalanche of metal. Her father stumbled out from the other side of the barn, which was separated by another door.
“There’s no need to yell.” he huffed, clutching his forehead. “What’s up?” he asked.
  Cass’ father was a scrawny scientist, his hair a dark brown, which showed as black without direct light, and round broken glasses on his face at all times. “You said you had a gift for me today.” Cass said, balancing on the balls of her feet impatiently.
“What’s today?” he asked blankly, rubbing the red sore on his head as he thought for a long moment. “OH! Right! Happy birthday kiddo.” he held his arms out and gestured to the whole barn. “This and everything in it, it’s all yours.” he finished, tossing Cass a keychain.
Attached to the ring were various keys, a dog tag with a funny face symbol, and a plain red lanyard. The dog tag was blank, so Cass had no clue what it was for. “Knock yourself out kiddo. Oh, and I may have made a small mess in the other room.” Cass rolled her eyes, pulling the second door that separated the rooms open. A pile of scraps sat in one corner, but in the opposite sat a little yellow car.
  She looked down at the key ring, scanning each key until she stopped on the biggest one with a Volkswagen symbol on the front.    “Even this car?” she asked, looking back up at its dusty yellow body.
“Even the car. I have to warn you, it’s pretty old. ‘Might act out here and there but he still runs just fine.” he replied with a smile.
Cass had no words, and before she could turn to tell her father thank you he had already left her to explore.

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