Sent Back Home

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It didn’t take long for Cass’ father to decide that it was time for her and Bumblebee to return home. “Awh, why?” Cass whined. 

“Because more people who work for Nest are coming back to help search for anything alarming. They won’t all be here but I know any more people will just make you anxious. It would be better for you to head home for the day.” He explained, flipping through some pages on his clipboard before glancing up at  her. “Are we clear?”

“I guess. But can I come back at some point? I really like hanging around the Autobots.” She said as she bounced gently on the balls of her feet.

John scratched his head. “I dunno Cass, I’ll see. I’ll let you know if things get better or worse.”

She sighed before nodding. She glanced up at Bee who had been a few feet away listening. “Let’s go bud.” 

Bee changed back into the small Beetle and waited patiently for her to join him. As John walked off and returned to his work Cass said a quick goodbye to Jazz, who stood Idly nearby. “I hope we can hang out again soon little buddy.” He said, ruffling her long hair with his finger. 

Cass looked back at Teletraan, where Ratchet and Optimus still remained. Cass waved her arms to get their attention, which somehow worked really well. “Bye Ratchet, Bye Optimus!” She called out to them. 

Optimus waved quietly, and Ratchet simply failed at suppressing a smile. Feeling accomplished, Cass ran up to Bee and hopped into the driver's seat.

As they cruised down the road on their way back home Bumblebee piped up. “So, what did you think? I noticed you seemed a lot more fond of the other Autobots rather than the humans John introduced you to.” 

Cass shrugged. “I’m sure your idea of showing me Nest for the first time had nothing to do with undead leaders. But it is really strange… I’ve been thinking about how or why that could have happened. I certainly don’t know much about Cybertron, relics, or the kinds of bots on the planet, but nothing adds up.” she sighed and leaned against the window. “But the chances of me figuring out how that happened are just as unlikely as you guys figuring out how many lives reside in the All Spark.” she chuckled. Bee stayed silent for a moment, but he couldn’t figure out how Cass came up with that analogy. After all, he hadn’t told her anything about the All Spark, nor the fact that the lives that had been lost resided within it. But then Cass spoke again. “I really like hanging out with you guys. It’s like a growing friend group… I guess. Though I doubt I’ll be able to meet you all. It would be great though.”

“That’s great! I’m glad you like hanging around with us.” He replied enthusiastically. But Bumblebee retreated to his thoughts for a minute. He was still trying to process the return of his old friend, and with it, the fact that there was a likely chance that things would start to change, whether it was for better or worse.

Bumblebee pulled into the yard, right outside of the barn, and Cass hopped out. “Sucks that that visit may be my last though.” she huffed as she closed the door.

“What do you mean?” Bee asked as she walked up to the barn to slide open the door for him.

“Well, Ratchet said my dad could be irrational from time to time, and I believe him. I mean, I’ve seen it first hand. So seeing that things may start to change there's a chance I may not be able to visit again. Dad might make excuses here and there to keep me from wanting to go, like how there's “too many people”, or how he doesn’t want me getting stepped on by someone. Y’know?” Cass explained, stepping out of the way for Bee to drive back into his spot in the barn.

“It would make sense as to why he didn’t tell you about us much sooner. But…” his voice wavered as he settled down before transforming out of his alt-mode.

“But?” Cass closed the door behind her as she stepped inside.

“Well, I might not be around as much as I would. Nest might need me to help with research or patrol.” He hated the idea of having to abandon another friend just for work. The whole reason he hadn’t been around the last few years was because he wasn’t needed for anything. Things had settled down for the first time in ages, but he still longed for some action here and there. Now that he had that, he would have to leave his new friend alone more than he would like.

“That’s just fine, Bee. I don’t know why you seem so worried about it. You’ve wanted to see everyone for a while, no?” Cass asked as she pulled her hair back up into a loose ponytail. “Who knows, maybe dad will have me help by looking through every page of the daily newspaper.” She joked before sitting herself down at her desk. 

The All Spark (discontinued to be rewritten)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora