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It took a few days, but Cass returned to feeling right as rain. Her side was, undoubtedly, still burned, but it felt like it was healing pretty fast compared to some other injuries she had before. Everyone had been happy to hear that she was okay, and they all made sure to pay her a visit throughout the week. The snow refused to melt, which made her more irritated than it should have. She wanted to go outside and feel the grass and the warmth of spring or summer, but since it was the beginning of winter she wouldn’t be receiving that for a long time. Cass always wished she could hibernate just to avoid the cold. Even going into the barn would be unbearable without thick layers of clothes. For now she decided she would only go in and out of the house to go to work and, if need be, deliver messages to the Camp.

Cass was sitting in her room, doing some paperwork for Nest, when something outside caught her eye. A silver flash was darting around in the trees. It must have been Scraps, after all, he had been coming by quite frequently the last few days. She stood up and threw on her winter coat and some boots before clomping down the steps and to the front door.

Upon opening the door she was greeted by a cold breeze and the blinding light that reflected off of the snow. She stepped out onto the porch, closing the wooden door behind her before glancing around. She could no longer see the flashes of silver that had coaxed her outside. She stepped off of the poarch, the snow crunching and forming around her boot. It was oddly quiet. Sure, most of the lack of noise was because of the snow, but normally she’d hear some birds, or even the wind shaking some tree branches around. But the only sound that she could hear was the crunching beneath her feet.

They stopped some distance away from the trees, looking silently to see if they could spot Scraps at all. Nothing. Either he had disappeared or he had moved somewhere else.

“Scraps? You out there? I’m not exactly in the mood to chase you around like yesterday.” around the yard it was clear the snow had been kicked around. Scraps had run around wanting Cass to catch him, leaving the yard with piles of kicked up snow and hundreds of shoe and paw prints.

There was no answer, but a shine of silver darted from one tree to the other. This wasn’t Scraps. It was far too small and quick to be the wolf. And if it was Scraps he would have shown himself by now. Panic pricked the back of Cass’ neck as the realization washed over her. But she didn’t want whatever this was to know she was panicked, or that she was trying to leave. She began stepping back slowly, the snow crunching softly as she shifted her weight.

Another flash jumped from one tree to the next, inching ever closer to where Cass stood. She just needed to get to the back door. Whatever this was wasn’t supposed to be behind her house. Cade had told her before she left Nest that she needed to call him if something like this was happening. She just needed to get inside and get to her phone. She took another slow step back.

The thing peeked out from behind the tree, and it was by far one of the ugliest things she had seen. It was like if you mixed a large chihuahua, sharp metal, and wires all together in an attempt to make an assassin. It had these big ugly red bulbs for eyes, and stared into her like it hoped its glare would stop her from moving. It had a pointy grin, full of sharp things like rusty screws and ripped sheet metal. Whatever it was had come to kill… or at least try to.

Cass decided that she should try and book it to the house. Surely it couldn’t tear through a wooden door, right? She just didn’t want to be caught in that thing’s path. When she began to speed up backing away to the door it started stalking out further from the tree. Its feet were claws as sharp as its teeth, and though its body was slender, Cass was sure it didn’t need strength to pack a mean punch. She sped up her escape as it started stalking out from the tree, further and further. Suddenly, it jumped.

Because the bot was small and had little weighing it down, it was scarily quick. Cass, unfortunately, wasn’t quick enough. As she tried running to the door the snow slowed her down. Because of this it quickly caught up to her, jumping into her back and knocking her over.

Cass hit the ground with a startled yelp and It started to tear into her coat. Stuffing flew out, scattering around the snow before Cass threw herself over, rolling over what felt like a bed of nails. Beneath her it let out a shrill scream, and she could feel it wiggling trying to escape. She was right about it not being strong, and she was lucky it hadn’t scratched into her back yet. She attempted to get up, keeping the thing pinned, snow falling and covering up its thin figure. He clawed desperately at the ground, wiggling back and forth as Cass managed to hold him down with her foot. He clawed around, digging at the powdered snow.

She actually felt sorry for the thing, but not as much as she would have if he hadn’t attacked her.

“What the hell are you?” She muttered, leaning in closer to try and examine him.

He glared up at her as she leaned in, pausing his struggle in an attempt to push himself further into the ground. It was like trying to back yourself further into a corner. Out of sheer panic, he struck. A sharp claw dragged across her left cheek. She staggered back, clasping her cheek as the pain registered, accidentally releasing the wirey chihuahua. It staggered up, shaking off the snow from its claws as it scowled and began to growl at Cass. Even its grumble sounded like a chihuahua. Her cheek stung as they glared at one another, and as she pulled her hand away she noticed the blood that tinted her hand red.
Cass wasn’t angry, but it certainly hurt like a bitch. After all it was her fault he struck out at her. But it seemed she angered him by trying to hold him down. She backed away quickly, trying to reach the back door, but the thing pounced forward, threatening another attack if she moved. Alright, she thought, this is going to sting.

“BUMBLEBEE!” she called out, hoping it was enough to get his attention.

There was a loud clamor that erupted from the barn, and when the door finally opened the beetle poked his head out, his hand turned into a blaster.

The metal chihuahua suddenly lost his bite. His wire body coiled into itself and he shrunk into the shape of a hard drive. How something so small could be so sharp and full of rusty screws was beyond Cass. Bumblebee rushed over, staring at the small square that trembled on the ground.

“What happened to you?” he asked, seeing her ripped up jacket and the cut on her cheek.

Cass pointed at the hard drive, “That.” she huffed, wiping blood from her cheek.

He crouched down, drawing closer to the drive, which sprung open and scratched at Bee, warning him to step away. Startled, he shot at it, the snow melting suddenly leaving a round patch of dead grass behind. The heat from the blast caused the snow to evaporate into steam, and the thing began to run away. Bee wasn’t having it. He took aim and just before he reached the treeline the Scout shot.

The force from the blast slammed the metal chihuahua into a tree, killing it instantly.

They both rushed up to the limp wire of a body, and Cass made an attempt to examine it without it attempting to cut off her face. But as she went to pick it up, it started to turn to dust. The thin bot crumbled into rust and dirt and small metal bits, which caught the two off guard. The only thing that remained was a small shard of scrap sheet metal and a few rusty old screws.

Bumblebee shuddered. “That’s not normal…”

“Obviously not.” she huffed, collecting the scraps that had been left behind. “Where did that thing come from?” She asked, examining the rusty screws.

“Looks like it crawled out of someone's nightmare. That thing was weird…” Bee said.

She nodded, quietly agreeing with him. “I gotta call Cade. I’ll be back.” she said, showing the pieces into her coat pocket and marching inside.

(Above is a drawing of the little guy. I basically took the abomination that is Michael Bay's Frenzy and changed him a bit. My apologies I didn't know why it's sideways smh)

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