Decepticons, Disband!

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“Things aren’t getting better.” Megatron determined, his voice weary.

Megatron was sitting on a rock slab, which he used as a berth, with his head in his hands as Starscream stood before him. They had relocated to a deep cave, one where their Energon signals were blocked well from any of the Autobots’ technology. It wasn’t close to Oregon or Ohio. Every Decepticon was there, waiting for Megatron to pick himself up and tell them what to do. Despite the lack of command, they stayed loyal, waiting for when that day came.

The seeker looked less than happy to hear it. “You’re having those nightmares? Still?” he scoffed lightly, “Trust me when I say that you’ve done far worse and slept just fine the same night. How could a human make any difference?”

For the last few weeks the Decepticon leader had been plagued with nightmares of what he had done. They haunted him every waking moment, rendering him almost completely useless.

“It’s not just about the human.”

Starscream crossed his arms. “Even then, everyone’s getting antsy. We’re all awaiting your command, my Lord.”

The titan huffed. “Would you stop calling me that?”

Starscream ignored the statement. “If it makes you feel any better, the human is alive, just not moving as well as before. They’re in a wheelchair. I asked Soundwave to look into their base’s security cameras.”

Megatron glared up at the jet. “No, Starscream, that doesn’t make me feel any better. I’d also prefer it if you all didn’t hack into the Autobots’ security system.”

“What is with you?!” Starscream exclaimed suddenly, throwing his hands up into the air. “You were the mighty Megatron, someone who wouldn’t take shit from anyone, you are a literal WARLORD! We’re all sitting here, waiting for you to get better, and now you’re sitting here moping about some human?! Where is the Megatron we’ve been waiting for?!”

He took the berate with his servos against his helm. “Oh Starscream… You really are a fool. Isn’t it obvious? I don’t want to lead the Decepticons anymore.”

The seeker’s red eyes widened as he stared down at Megatron bewildered. “WHAT?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!”

Never before had Megatron heard Starscream be upset at the fact he didn’t want to be the leader of the Decepticons. Had the same thing happened years earlier, Starscream would have stepped up happily, encouraging Megatron’s feelings of wanting to step down. Perhaps, now, the Decepticon had no agenda of his own…

“All this time, we helped you with what you needed, and you’re backing down? Unbelievable!” his brows were furrowed as he choked the air with disbelief. “Y’know what? Fine! I’m not telling the others though, thats on you!”

And with that, the seeker stormed off, leaving Megatron alone in his rocky room.

Megatron could understand Starscream’s frustrations. Waiting for something for so long and then being told it wasn’t going to happen was like building an entire kingdom only to have it destroyed moments later. He and all of the remaining Decepticons were holding onto the hope that the Mighty Megatron would be back to lead them all to some kind of final victory, maybe even a stable home. For months they had been waiting… Yet there he sat, plagued with nothing but regret. It took him a moment to pull himself together, but he stood from his berth and exited his rocky room into a larger cavern.

The ceiling was tall, held up by ancient columns of stone. Clusters of stalagmites and stalactites covered the floor and ceiling around the cave, and in moments of silence a slight dripping could be heard in the distance. Around the uneven floor of the cavern Decepticons sat in groups amongst themselves, a light murmur of conversation echoed through the cave. However, they all stopped upon seeing Megatron. Never before had he wanted to shrink under the weight of other bots' gaze. Their eyes laid upon him like boulders.

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