Dried Energon

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The next morning she quickly got to work on the new bot, though her other project still plagued her thoughts. It was all she wanted to do. However, the bot in front of her was far more important. It was no longer about her. A huge part of her brain thought it was something she should take to Ratchet, but the rest wanted her to try it herself. She knew she was fully capable of reattaching arms and legs, but the head… She wasn’t even sure if it was possible. Would it be anything like reattaching limbs? There were so many different things that needed to be attached, like the central fuel line, and hundreds of wires that connected to memory banks, the T-Cog, and the personality chip. Everything that made the body work properly. Plus, no one’s ever been decapitated and survived… within minutes, the spark would run out of Energon to use, effectively killing the organ.
It was a daunting task.

As Cass studied where the bot had been hacked apart, it was clear they weren't normal. On the torso, the major fuel lines had created a sort of scab where the limb had been cut off. Each line ended with a solid plug of dried Energon, which had turned a deep blue from the oxygen exposure. It was oddly human for a transformer. From what Ratchet had taught her, Transformers’ blood- their Energon- could not coagulate. It would just dry and turn flaky. To stop the bleeding they would need their fuel line welded back together, so the body could properly heal in time. Like an artificial scab.

The dried Energon was hard, so Cass figured reattaching the fuel lines would give her an easy start. It would be messy, sure, but it was still a start. She was hoping Bumblebee wouldn’t stumble into the Barn while she looked like she was stabbing detached limbs.
Despite being torn apart, there was little damage to the rest of their body, a few scrapes and dents here and there, but nothing that couldn’t be fixed. They could wait for when Cass had a functioning bot in front of them.

Each fuel line took over an hour to reattach. There was a lot of duct tape used to hold things in place, a lot of bright blue stains from, y’know, tearing out the plugs that stopped the bleeding, and the smell of melting metal coated the inside of her nostrils like sulphur from a match. At least it didn’t look as ugly as red blood. Even her oil rags and clothes had been stained with the bright blue essence. It took her all day just to reattach four fuel lines. The duct tape had been extremely useful, though, and Cass wondered if she should give a bunch to Ratchet and Knockout.

As she was finishing up reattaching the last limb, the bots left arm, a shrill yell sounded from the barn entrance.


At first, Cass thought it was her father, but looking over she found Bumblebee clutching his head and staring at the mess in horror. His bright blue eyes had become moons and he seemed like he was on the verge of passing out.

“Listen, I know you’re upset, but destroying somebody isn’t a good outlet for your anger!” He exclaimed.

She rolled her eyes. “I’m putting them back together, you oaf. E-” she paused, remembering Evac did not wish to be involved, “I found them in a junkyard yesterday. Miraculously, they’re still alive.”

Bumblebee entered the barn with great hesitation. He stared down at the bot with a hint of disgust.

“Who would do such a thing? A-and they’re still alive? That’s impossible!”

Class paused, pointing to their chassis. The beat of their spark was faint among the silence of the two. It reminded her of the old grandfather clock her father used to have. It was the only thing she would hear throughout the night. The tick, tick, tick, drove her mad enough to break it in the middle of the night a few years later. John still couldn't fathom how his obnoxiously lovely clock ever broke.

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