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"Lets get you out of this cell," you tell him, "let me go and talk to Tony, see if we can get a room on a different floor of the tower, preferably somewhere dark."

"Why does it have to be dark?" Bucky questions.

You look at him a little confused as he should know why, "uhm because when were first turned we have to train our bodies to walk in the sun."

"I don't seem to have that problem," he admits.

You turn to face him just as your opening the cell door to leave, "Really?!" you say surprised and jealous, "i don't see how that's fair," you half joke, "I don't suppose you've tried to see if you have gained any other powers?"

"I didn't want to try," he admits.

"Okay, well we can figure that out together, let me go talk to Tony, i will be back soon," you tell him, "I love you."

Bucky smiles, "I love you too."

You head upstairs and find the rest of the team in the lounge, "hey everyone."

Nat gets up and pulls you into a hug.

"Hey (y/n) how are you feeling?" Steve asks you.

"Yeah, I'm doing fine thanks for asking."

Steve looks at you with sincerity, "it should be me thanking you, you saved Bucky's life."

"Well kind of," you say sheepishly.

"Well he wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you, so thank you."

You give him a subtle nod.

"Hey Tony, is there a section of the tower where Bucky and i can stay, just while we figure things out?" you ask a little nervously. You thought what you were asking for was too much, Tony had already done so much for you.

"Sure thing Kitten, there's a studio room down near the cells that you can have, let me show you where it is."

You follow Tony to the large open plan studio, there was a small all white kitchen with a living space on the right side of the room and a bed with all the bedroom essentials on the left with a door leading to a bathroom.

"Thanks Tony this will be perfect."

Tony turns to talk to you, "if you have ANY trouble with him you tell F.R.I.D.A.Y and i will be down here in seconds."

"I'll be fine," you re assure him, "but thank you."

Tony takes a moment, he wasn't quite convinced that you would be okay but he had to take your word for it, "well let me help you move some stuff."

It didn't take you and Tony long to move some of yours and Bucky's belongings into the studio apartment. Once everything was set up you head over to the cells to get Bucky.

"Everything's sorted," you say as you open the door to his cell.

With one lightning fast movement, too fast for even you to see, Bucky had you pinned against the wall with his eyes black and his teeth showing it caught you off guard and scared you a little. You knew what was wrong.
You speak slowly and softly, "hey Bucky, i need you to breathe, get past the scent you are smelling, that's not me."

You inhale through the nose and out through your mouth, Bucky mimics you. His eyes slowly regain their ocean color and his fangs retract, "sorry," he apologizes as he moves away from you.

"That's okay, Nat smells good right?" you explain. Her scent had been left on you when she hugged you earlier.

"Unbelievable," he agrees.

You both make your way to your new place and lock the door, placing the key in your pocket.

"So your keeping me as your prisoner now?" Bucky asks with one eyebrow raised.

"I'm sorry, its just a precautionary so i know you wont hurt Tony or Nat."

"Why not Steve?"

"He'd have a better chance of fighting you off, the other two would be completely defenseless," you explain.

"Well i can't say i hate the idea of being locked in here with you," he smirks as he moves closer you.

"Oh yeah?" you bite your lip, "and whys that?"

"There's a few things i have in mind," he smiles and leans down and kisses you. You return the kiss and press your body against his.
Regrettably you moved backwards ending the kiss just before his eyes shifted, you knew he didn't have control but you couldn't help yourself from kissing him just a little but before it got out of hand.

"Lets focus on controlling your hunger first," you tell him.

You head over to the kitchen and enter a pin on a safe and withdraw a bottle of blood. You throw it to Bucky who catches it and without hesitation devours its contents. You take one for yourself and press it to your lips and drink slowly, watching Bucky's reaction. He became more agitated his vampire side wanting to rip the bottle from your grasp, and his human side fighting not to hurt you. You expected his vampire side to win for the first couple of tries but you never expected what was about to happen next.

Bucky's eyes become enthralling, you were unable to look away from his intense stare.

"Give me that bottle."

Unwillingly your body walks over to his and hands it to him, your senses come back to you as it leaves your grasp. Bucky realises what hes just done and waits for you to take the blood back from him.

"I'm sorry, i didn't..." he begins.

"Hey it's okay," you assure him, "you stopped and didn't drink which is the main thing." That could of gone a lot worse, but you refrained from telling him that.

"What was that?" he asks nervously.

"It would seem you have the power of compulsion."

"Is that a common?"

You shake your head, "there's only one other vampire that i know of to have compulsion and uhm,"

Bucky could tell there was something wrong.

"Let's just say its a popular power that everyone wants to get their hands on."

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