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"Hey (y/n), you got 5 minutes?" Natasha calls you over as you leave your room.

Making your way over to her room you reply, "yeah, what's up?"

She double checks the hallway and closes the door behind you, "there was a mission I was sent on a couple weeks back," she begins as she walks over and opens a brown folder on her desk, "I ran into an issue and couldn't get the information I needed," she exhaled at her own frustration of not completing a mission, "and I was hoping you might be able to help?"

You make your way over to the desk and pick up the folder, scanning the contents.

Natasha continues, "there's a club downtown that they operate out of and to get in you've......"

"Got to be a vampire," you cut her off.

She furrows her brow, "you know this place?"

"Not the place, the people," you tell her as you drop the file on the desk, the clear long shot pictures staring back up at you, "that's Antanase, or Tan as he likes to be called."
Natasha focused in on what you were telling her.
"He's the guy you go to if you need something, money, drugs, weapons, intel. If hes involved it cant be anything good," you pause for a moment.

"So, what do you want me to do?"

====Time skip====

11pm - You and Nat had agreed to go in cold, no coms, no weapons, not that there were many places to hide a weapon on your under clothed body.
You wore a black playsuit, black leather wedged ankle boots and short black leather jacket to match, you put on a couple of silver rings, necklaces and a pair of diamond stud earrings. You apply a smokey eyed look to finish it off, making your (eye colour) eyes sparkle.
Your legs caught most of the cold air as you walked towards the club. Nat had dropped you off  a couple of blocks away and would wait in the same place for you.
Once there you find yourself standing in front of the doorman. He looked you up and down, assessing, before moving aside and letting you in, vampires could tell their own kind from look and smell.
At the bar you order a whiskey on the rocks and survey your surroundings, it was a small capacity venue, easily around 200 people and not all of them were vampires, the rest were either devotees wanting to be turned or pray.
The music was loud but not enough to deter the barman from hitting on you, "haven't seen your pretty face around here before," he opens the conversation.

You decided to get straight to the point, "where can I find Tan?"

"Everyone wants Tan," he mutters to himself, "he's up in his box," he nods in the direction of a large private box above the DJ set, "but he's not seeing anyone for business tonight."

You down the rest of your drink, "I'm an old friend."

You make your way to the stairs leading to the walkway to Tans booth only to be met by another doorman stood half way, "Tans not seeing anyone tonight," he says without hesitation.

"That's too bad," you tell him as you continue to walk towards him. As the strobe lights flash with the tempo of the music you take your split second chance to utilize your power and disappear into the darkness. You pass the confused doorman and head inside dissipating the darkness from around you as you enter.

Tan barely flinched as you appeared across the room from him, he was too fixated on the half naked women at either side of him. All 3 of them were sat on a black leather corner couch, both women opening the buttons on his shirt exposing his muscular torso, running their hands over him.

"Hope I'm not interrupting," you say sarcastically, grabbing Tans attention.

He looks in your direction, "I'm sorry ladies, this is going to have to wait," he tells the women without taking his eyes off you, there was a confidence emanating from him.
The two women get up from their seats giving you dirty looks as they pick up their clothing, complaining under their breath. They head out of the room through a side door that lead them back down to the dance floor.

Tan got up from his seat and headed over to his drinks table and poured a drink, making no effort to button his shirt back up, "Ive got to say, i never thought id see your face again," Tan takes a sip of his drink and walks towards you with fire in his eyes, "so why the fuck are you here?"

You pretend to be hurt by his words, giving him a sad expression. Tan had a weakness, and it was you and you were going to utilize that to your advantage, "my uhm, new life didn't turn out the way I expected," you lie, "and when i found out about this place, that you were running it i had to come see you, i thought you'd never leave Romania."

"I go where ever business takes me," he reveals.

"And whats business this time?"

"And why are you so interested, Pumpkin?"

You scrunch your face at his pet name for you.

"I see you still hate that," he smirks, "you'd rather be called 'Doll' right?" Tan says with anger in his voice, "tell me, what happened to that lap dog of yours?"

You look into his piercing green eyes trying to hold your ground, "i dunno, captured, tortured or dead, i don't care which," you lied.

Hearing that brought great pleasure to Tans face, "so you finally come to your senses?" he says smugly, "can't trust pathetic, weak mortals."

"Something like that," you falsely admit trying to get Tan to warm to you.

Tan looks at you for a moment with a huge grin on his face, you had made him think he was right all along and that put the ball in his court, "you'll have a lot of repenting to do, but I'm sure i can think of a few ways you can make it up to me," he takes your chin in his hand and tilts your head upwards to his and winks.

"I should of listened to you and stayed in the shadows with my own kind," you instill more lies to get him on your side.

Tan lowers his head to whisper in your ear, his face was uncomfortably close to your neck, "we wont be hiding much longer."

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