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You woke up around mid day as usual and head down onto the bustling street of New York. You were a natural at pick pocketing, you felt bad for having to do it but you had no other option. After all it's how you got halfway across the world to the one place he remembered before he disappeared.
You had seen him on the news, accused of doing something you knew he would never do, he was detained by the US government, then nothing, like every trace of him was expunged from the Earth and Brooklyn was your last hope. 

*1 year later*

You sat at the bar of one of New York's fanciest hotels, the hem of your black mini dress lightly grazes your upper thigh as your blood red lipstick stains the glass of your drink. You take light sips of the warm liquor, the smell of it reminded you of him and you missed him deeply.
It had been a full year and you still had no trace of him, it was difficult to come to terms with but you had started to give up hope, maybe it was time to move on.

You could feel all eyes on you, men taking stolen glances at your figure.

"A glass of your most expensive single malt on the rocks," the man orders then turned towards you leaning on the bar.

You decided to humor him and looked up from your glass, only to be greeted with a smirk and a wink from Tony Stark. The bar tender places Tony's drink on the bar who promptly pays with a golden card. You had heard a lot and seen a ton of billboards about the billionaire since moving to New York, and your conclusion? He was over confident and arrogant.

"Is this seat taken?" Tony asks.

"Go ahead," you offer.

"So business or pleasure?" he says in a flirty tone.

You decide to string him along, "a bit of both, you?"

"The day started off as business," he leaves open ended.

You sip your drink.

"Want to help me with the pleasure part?" he finishes.

You place your empty glass on the bar and stand from your seat. You place your hand on Tony's shoulder, making him look into your eyes, "you don't even know my name," you inform him as you walk away.


11:30pm, the air was cold as you waited for the butcher to back his truck into the loading bay. He looked over to the corner where you stood in the shadows and cocks his head, signalling you to come grab your stuff. He drops a duffel bag onto the tail lift of the truck, you unzip it carefully and inspect the contents, the warmth was inviting.

"You ever going to tell me what you do with that stuff?"

You look at him with a smirk, "you sure you want to know?" you entice him knowing full well he wouldn't take you on.

"Just give me my money," he caves.

You hand him a stack of cash and zip the bag back up, swinging the strap over your shoulder you start to walk away, "same time next week Karl," you tell him.


Once back into your hotel room you couldn't wait any longer, you take one of the bags out and sink your teeth into it. The bitter iron taste hits the back of our throat as you drink it in with no remorse. It wasn't the same as a humans but it was the sacrifice you chose to make. You exhale and squeeze the empty bag savoring the moment before placing it with the others and sliding the bag under your bed. 


Waking up refreshed and full of energy you shower and put on your favorite outfit.  You hang the do not disturb sign on the door as you leave and head down to the lobby. Like every day you wave to your favorite bartender but instead of waving back he signals for you to go talk to him.

"Hey, Gus what's up?" you ask curiously.

"This was left for you last night," he says as he hands you a business card. 

It was a glossy Stark Industries business card, you flipped it over to see handwriting which read, "(y/n) sorry for last night, dinner at 8pm?"

"You told him my name?" you ask Gus.

"I think this would be good for you, you've been at this hotel for over a year, and not once have I seen you with any, 'company'," he puts in air quotes. 

"And what if I don't want any 'company'?" you mock him by doing air quotes too.

"(y/n) it's TONY STARK," he emphasizes his name.

You roll your eyes sarcastically give Gus a smile as you pocket the card, "see you later Gus."

Striding a little more confidently out onto the streets of New York your skin is hit with bright sun rays. Over the years you had learned how to cope with the sun on your skin but it still tingled a little. Popping on some shades you head over to the most populated touristy areas slyly grabbing what you could from peoples pockets and bags. After obtaining what you could you headed back to your room.

You lay on your bed contemplating whether to meet Tony Stark for dinner. Admittedly he was a handsome man but an arrogant one, not really your type, "what's the worst that can happen?" you say out loud to yourself, at the very least you could steal a few grand off him.
You don your sexiest outfit, do your hair and make up making your (eye/color)'s pop. Thankfully you still had a reflection, giving yourself one last look before you head downstairs.

It was 19:45pm just enough time to have Gus pour you a shot of whiskey and have a prep talk, "you got me into this so if I want out your helping," you say downing your shot, "if I call you over I have some sort or emergency."

Gus just smiles at you, "(y/n) stop stressing, you'll be fine."

"I bet he's late or a no show," you say to Gus.

 "Tony's already here, he's in the function room, asked to rent it out for the night on account of him being Tony Stark," Gus exaggerates again.

You look at Gus, "not flashy at all," you say with sarcasm.

As you open the function room doors you see Tony stood next to one of the floor to ceiling windows, looking out onto the city. He turns at the sound of you entering and smiles, "I'm glad you decided to come."
There was only the two of you in the room and a waiter standing off to the side. You walk towards the table that was set up in the middle of the room, "this all seems a little extravagant," you tell him.
"It's the only way I can get some privacy from the paparazzi and autograph wanters," he admits.

"That sounds, lonely," you sympathize.

He shrugs his shoulders, "it's just something that comes with the territory. But enough about me," he swiftly adds, "tell me about you?"

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