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Text message from Tony; Hey do you like shawarma? X

Reply; Not really, more of a steak kinda girl. X

Steak was the only food you could stomach on account of all the blood running through it, otherwise you never ate.

Tony; Awesome, well I hopefully your free tonight to take you out on a proper date? X

Butterflies dance in your stomach.

You; I'm definitely free tonight for a date :) x

Tony; Then I will pick you up at your hotel, say 7PM? X

You; Sounds perfect, see you then x

7PM rolls around, dressed in your favorite cocktail dress you head down to the hotel lobby. Descending the stairs you see a crowd of people had started to gather at the entrance. Walking up to the crowd you see they are taking photos of Tony as he stands next to his car. Hotel security had left a path for hotels guests to enter and exit and as you make your way to Tony he holds open his car door for you. Without looking at the anxiety inducing crowd you place yourself in his Audi. He walks around to the drivers side and drives off.

"Damn (y/n) you look amazing," he glances over at you.

You couldn't help but smile, "thank you, you look quite handsome yourself," you compliment back.

"So where are we going?" you ask him.

"Eleven Madison Park Restaurant," he informs you, "have you ever been before?"

"Can't say I have."

"Well hopefully your going to love it."

"I'd enjoy a McDonalds as long as it's with you," it sounded cheesy but it was true, you enjoyed his company and had started catching feelings for him.

The biggest grin spreads across his face as he drives. The rest of the journey was in a comfortable silence as you listened to the radio.

Tony pulls up and parks the car, you open the car door and step out before Tony could open the door for you.

"But I was supposed to..." he looks at the door with a slight sad expression.

You laugh, "You don't have to prove your a gentleman by opening the door," you smile at him.

He looks at you longingly before holding out his elbow for you to take, "shall we?"

You smile and take his arm and head inside, "table for Stark," he tells the hostess.

"Right this way Mr. Stark."

You both follow the hostess, heads turned and whispers could be heard as you make your way to the table they had prepared for you.
You look a little nervous as you take your seat Tony had pulled out for you.

"Are you okay? I can get us a private table if you prefer?" he offers.

"No it's fine, I'm just not used to people staring," you admit, "but is suppose I better get used to it," you flirt.

The waiter takes your orders and you sit and chat with Tony. Once your food arrives you breathe in the aromas of the rare steak. You slice a small piece off, and take the first bite.
It was animal blood like you had never tasted, it was juicy and rich not the stale old pigs blood you had become accustomed to. You could feel your eyes begin to shift to black as they so often did when you fed on fresh blood.
You exhale and close your eyes trying to compose yourself.

As you feel your eyes shift back you open them and look at Tony, "wow, this steak is amazing."

"Best steaks in New York," he informs you.

After a fun night of eating and talking he drives you back to your hotel and you let him open your door for you.

"Tonight was amazing Tony, thank you."

"Anything for you kitten," he says with sincerity.

You blush at his nickname for you and you couldn't help thinking, "why me?" you ask him. Your question catches him off guard a little but he is prepared with an answer.

"This might sound a little selfish but your the first person to ever ask about me. Not a mention of Iron Man or money or superhero friends, just me," he admits.

You look at him with sympathetic eyes, "that's not selfish at all Tony," this was a man that had tried to find something meaningful but his success had gotten in his way.

He carries on, "not to mention your drop dead gorgeous, and the first woman to ever turn me down," he adds with a cockiness.

You lean into his compliments and mild flirting, "well it was difficult," you tease as you move closer to him, "and it only gets more difficult with every moment I spend with you."

The heat that the two of you created burst into a passionate kiss, your bodies pressed together as he held onto your waist.

"Well," you whisper as your hand corrects his tie back to the middle of his shirt. "Goodnight Mr Stark," you wink as you walk away.

You didn't see but Tony had to take a moment to compose himself, you had left him with butterflies in his stomach and the urge to follow you in, but this was different, he wanted to take it slow. After you enter the hotel he hops back in his car and speeds off.

Once in your room you shower and slip into bed, it was impossible to deny now that you had strong feelings for Tony.
You grab the last bag from under your bed, bare your teeth and sink them in. It didn't taste nearly the same as the blood you had tasted earlier.
Unsatisfied you sleep.


Tony; Want to hang out at the tower with me today? Xx

You; I'd love that, what time? Xx

Tony; whenever you want kitten, want me to send a car when your ready? Xx

You; Nah I'm good, the tower isn't too far, I will walk over. Xx

Tony; Ok well just tell security your name when you get here and they will let you up. Xx

You; Okay, see you soon. Xx

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