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Great. Just great. Of course the first thing in the morning I wake up to is fucking Heidi twisting my arm to make me squeal in agony! I yell in pain, "STOP IT YOU BLONDE SKANK! UNCLE! UNCLE!" She then yanks me in one fell swoop as I fall face first into the wood floor and lay there for a moment to understand what even happened. And after a moment of silence, she asks, "You up now fool?" I sigh and raise my head up as I reply back unhappy like usual, "Stupid bitch. You ever heard of knocking? Fuck off." She throws a banana at the back of my head and says without a care for what I said, "Hurry up. We got places to be dumbass." Is this what having a trainer is like? Waking up when the sun hasn't even risen and going for a ten mile jog to just make it to the place we need to train?! As much of a pain as she is, I knew what I had to do as I grab my black t-shirt and the school uniform since I didn't need to use it anymore thanks to that blue runed dummy. I start the shower and let the steamy water hit my face as I recollected what I had been doing these last few months as I sigh. I remember that the entire city was quarantined off thanks to that Cthulhu monster and now only the army and government roll through here to collect samples or search for more monsters. They didn't bother the rich people though thanks to their so called influence that was constantly waved in front of the forces to keep them away. I would swap between Nicole's place and Susan's on a weekly basis to give all of the girls some time with me as I had my four training masters take me for entire weeks at a time. They usually complained that I couldn't remember as I would ignore them and try my best, but nothing would usually come from it in the end as I would slowly learn the basics of what they showed me. But when I thought they'd given up and would let me live in peace, Elia whispered something into Layla's dad's ear as he furrowed his brow and said, "Get her in here and do it. I want to see this pathetic fool learn how it feels to be a disappointment." I then calmly reply with my hand raised, "Too late for that you bat shit insane old bastard." But after an hour passes, I see the cruel blonde beauty walk up as she asks while ignoring me entirely, "So what does the king of the monsters want with me? Better be worth it old vamps." She gave me a new nickname for the old punk as I laugh at the grandpa joke in silence while he replies, "I've heard great things from you young lady, and I require your help." She scoffs and folds her arms before asking, "You already know what I do to your kind guy; So why should I?" He smiles and points at me while saying, "I need this brain dead fool to learn how to keep himself alive in combat, and I'll give you not only a better place for you and your sibling to live, but the chance to do it while kicking his ass. Torture is alright in my book too." I stand up and yell, "I OBJECT! I'LL KILL YOU YA SLIMY BASTARD!" I get ready to trigger my rune in self defense, but feel something hit my stomach as Heidi had already elbowed me as I fall over and try my best to breath! The girls stayed back too as Elia scoffed with a smirk and said, "I like her already." As the king then said, "You're more qualified than I anticipated young lady. He is a extremely dangerous fool if you haven't found out already, and to see you react faster like this makes me wish you were also another daughter of mine. I.." She holds up her hand and says with her eyes closed, "And will you fund her for school all the way until college? My little sister?" He smirks and nods as she looks at my dying fetus shaped body before nodding at him and saying, "I'll start tomorrow. Move." She then kicks me to the side as I wanted to kill her so badly, but I was literally unable to move as Elia walks up to me and drags me by my leg as she tells him, "I'll go heal him." And thus I was stuck in this situation as she made me get up every morning around four and had me doing intense training sessions with basically no breaks! Even on days I couldn't move! And the fact that they told me to never use my power unless in emergencies made it worse when she used her metal shit as she would leave bruises every single day! I then shake my head back into the present as I hurry and clean myself up before she shatters my legs again!

I leave out the door and wave at the girls at Susan's place as I see that it is raining. She waited for me on the sidewalk as I seen that she had a grey sweat suit on that made me ticked off. Why didn't they tell me it was gonna rain?! I don't wanna be wet! She then nods at me to follow along as I just suck it up and go with her as we run around the annihilated city that was once my home. I hoped that mom and Chris made it out of here on time as I followed along in silence as she lead me to Alpha Q and had me do push ups in the rain until she came back. She didn't take long for once as she handed me a water and sat next to me on a curb as we didn't say a single word. She then suddenly broke the silence with a question as she asks, "Why did you like me?" I would've spit my water out and act surprised, but I've been through too much to act like a fool as I reply while looking up at the cloudy sky, "I used to think that you were the most beautiful person I had ever seen. Never in my life had I felt so attracted to someone who was smart, cute, had her act together, and didn't take shit from anyone. I would always think about us being married and stuff too as I would hump the trampoline in my backyard in confusion to why I had those strange feelings." She rubs her water bottle with her thumb and nods in approval as she asks, "Do you now?" I shrug and say, "I do. I hated you for so long thanks to that scene you made, and even took it out on the bitches who would always mess with me in the years to come. But in the end, it was thanks to you that I learned to grow up and act by my own standards. I mean, I hate how you're still a bitch, but I guess that part I like the most besides how hot you got during puberty. Why ask? Do you actually like me and want me to ravage you in the rain like an eroge?" I take a gulp as an arm sized metal blade gets held at my throat as she says, "Don't." I then sigh and look back at the store as I ask, "You know, I don't understand how this piece of shit place is even open still." She shrugs and gets up before saying, "We're gonna walk the rest of the way." I do as she says and follow by her side as she asks, "Why is it that you can't use your weird green thing? Your dumb group of morons won't tell me." I scratch my head and reply, "Apparently, when I go into my combat state, or super form in other words; I can choose what percentage of power to use. But the percent that I use is also shared by the fact that its my chance out of one hundred to actually change entirely into my scary side I guess. I don't really understand it either. But let's just say that when I fought Daemon, I turned to that side and even though I felt the exact same way, I just wanted to get my job done no matter the cost. No matter who got in my way. Heh, my little elf girl Sahara even called it my shin form." She looks like she was processing everything as I hear her say, "So you always have a chance of going rogue huh? Sounds stupid. No wonder why you don't always use your power at its max then." I smirk and reply, "Yeah. Imagine if I used twenty five percent every time I wanted to beat someone. It'd be a one in four chance that I'd actually kill everyone in sight." She then leads me to somewhere familiar as I head inside the bar and walk down into the hidden basement where Pandora's box awaited me.

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