We're only human

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I was in my Monstrum school uniform as I felt a sense of nostalgia go through my body. The endless torture and being cucked out of my school lunch everyday truly made me wish I was back in that shit world full of assholes. I look in the mirror and brush my fingers across my name with a hint of sadness revealing itself from deep within myself. I felt odd knowing that this would be the last of these forced dates of course, but what made it worse was the fact that everyone that was going to be there were indeed human. Well Elia is half human, but she still counts; Including me. I then hear a voice coming from my open window, "God you're such a weirdo. Hurry your ass up before I drag your stupid ass there Alizé." I turn with distain for the bitch blonde as I reply, "You do that, and I'll bitch slap you face first into the floor before playing your ass like bongos. Now act like a normal person for once you icy bitch and go wait downstairs." Heidi snarls as she comments while passing by, "You're ass is glad that I even agreed to be apart of this meeting." Yup. She didn't consider this a date in the least as I spray on a little spurt of cologne and make my way downstairs. It was like the reverse of when a girl comes down to prom as all of my squad for today stood by the front door and smiled.. Except Elia and Heidi of course. Flora quietly says while twiddling her thumbs, "You look good in that... Alizé." Her sister Karen then adds on, "Yeah you're cute, and what? Want me to feed you some cookies?" She twisted that phrase up all stupid, but she was a nervous train wreck anyways. Susan even decided to wear that dress from when we went to that dance when I first visited as I say with a gentle smile, "You didn't have to dress up and all pudding pop. It's casual Friday at Burger times you know?" She raised an eyebrow and replied back with a little attitude, "You'd rather I wear a brown yukata since my school uniform is literally a worthless set of clothes thanks to what happened?" I roll my eyes and say back while trying to defuse the situation, "Fine I got it. You look absolutely stunning ninja girl." She smirks and says, "Damn straight." A couple of us laugh together as Elia looks at her watch and says, "They start serving lunch in ten minutes people. Let's go." She even had her maid outfit on still as I salute the half vampire and reply, "Sir yes sir." As we head out to walk together like a group of friends. The other talked about what they were going to order as Elia and Heidi walk by my sides while the cyborg asks, "Why there of all places?" Elia replied before I could saying, "Because it is the only place open in this damned city. And I refuse to take one more ride in that limo from my princess' human rival." Heidi scoffs and comments, "You're not much of a Nicole fan either huh?" Neither said another word as I could see a faint spark in their eyes. They had a new friendship based on their hatred for the strongest human here... Well, female wise. I was getting a bit bored and decided to listen in on the little chat behind me as I hear Karen say excitedly to Susan, "I haven't had any decent food in fucking forever! God I'm starving!" Flora then chimes in like a sane person, "Yeah.. A unhappy meal sounds pretty good right about now.. After all; We've only been surviving on what Alpha-Q's been selling. I'm a bit done with ramen and chips." Susan seemed shocked as she asks in worry, "Oh? You both are just middle class? How've you been surviving this nightmare so far?" Flora looks down and sighs with an expression of pain as she replies weakly, " Some of us so called middle class people got together and started to take shelter in my old high school. Our place was crushed underneath that Cthulhu looking monster's foot and it left us homeless. Neither of us told Alizé though since we knew he would help us out. But we had this and didn't want to bother anyone; Right sis?" She connects pinkies with Karen as she rolls her eyes and replies, "Yeah, but we still take care of ourselves! We don't need the society who looked down on us to do so again." I smirk knowing exactly how she felt as I hold my breath thinking, "These humans were trying to make the best of stuff out here while I was living it up in the homes of rich women huh? I couldn't be prouder to be their man! They even had me back up a bit and whisper into Susan's ear, "Don't listen to the not helping part. I'd be nice if we helped build or fund some quickly built apartments though. What do you think?" She shrugs and replies, "Sounds more like the poor have no one to blame except the rich like usual. Even when we put our own money into this city, they're the ones who vandalize it and shit. Let them do their own shit. I got my own to worry about rich or not." Both sisters heard it clearly as their jaws dropped from how blunt she was, but I could see how they felt as Flora sighed along with Karen nearly bursting a blood vessel! I agreed with both sides as Heidi smacks my shoulder while pointing ahead. She says, "It seems to look brand new. Let's go before the line starts piling up." I nod at her before the girls behind and say with a growling stomach, "Hurry up you bloodthirsty gremlins!"

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