Loli squad

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I brushed my teeth after a warm shower and head into the dining room for some breakfast; But see Susan's mom laying a plate down on the center of the table as we meet eyes. We were alone, and we both disliked each other, but I knew she made everything for the girls and I to eat, and even though she was a gigantic bitch; She had my gratitude. I muster up the courage to not clown on her and say with a small smile of appreciation, "Thank you. For everything you've done for me and my girls." She stands up and wipes her hands with a rag before replying with what sounded like held back spite, "You're welcome. Get the others in here." She then turns away and leaves to her room before I shake my head in slight disbelief that she didn't comment on why her daughter liked me. I didn't really know why either, but I wasn't going to be mad over it like her. I whip out my phone and text the group saying, "Hot food, pick it up." I could hear them all cluttering around in their rooms as I sit on the floor by the table and grab a waffle. It looked great and I enjoyed every bite of it! They finally open up and come sit next to me as the little squad looked dressed up and ready to head out. I ask with chunk of waffle in my mouth, "What's with the get up?" Sahara looks at me with pure hatred and asks back, "What do you fucking think dick breath?" I chuckle and swallow as I look over at Koko and see her eating like a princess! She was elegantly cutting the waffles with her knife and fork as she catches me staring and blushes before rudely saying, "Stop staring at me you creep." I then reply, "Why not? I love watching you." She acted like it meant nothing to her, but I could see her cutting the waffle more ragged than before as she hurried and took her bites. I finally finish my second serving of this home made delicacy and lay my back on the floor with a sigh. I knew it had been a two weeks since I had that stroll to the pizza joint, but I couldn't get over how close I was to murdering real people as I shut my eyes and try to calm myself down before I started thinking too much about it again. I loved my new boy too as he was in Anna's lap eating a hotdog like the spoiled mutt he was. Dante was one hell of a pup too as he had no fear of anyone. I felt bad for ruining his life and second hand murdering his mom, but I knew that his responsibility was now my own, and I never wanted to hurt him again. I open my eyes and turn to my side as I look under the table and see underneath the skirts of Anna and Koko as I stare at their amazing crotches like the annoying perv I was. I get a smack in the head by Alice as I look up at the little ghost and see her tearing apart a waffle with her hands like I did and stuffing it in her mouth. She smirked at me as I knew she was just playing around and laid my head on her lap as the crumbs feel onto the side of my face. I would've left in annoyance, but her thighs were just so soft that I couldn't move away for the life of me. I rub my hand on one too as she ate her meal without a second glance down at me. She knew me on a personal level like no other and could tolerate me the most like a loving mother. I then kiss her inner thigh and push myself off the ground before walking over to Anna and grab the little chunker as we went out the back for some fun time as I grabbed a squeaky toy and played with him like any other person would. He happily galloped around and played to his heart's contempt as I taught him a couple tricks since then. Well, only to sit and lay down, but that was good enough considering that I had no experience of training before. I sit down on the wood porch and catch my breath while thinking, "Thank you training vids." I wipe the sweat off my brow and chuck the toy into the yard as he went ham on it like the little monster he was. I then sense that they were watching me as I turn around and see the four I was going to take out tonight. It was like looking at a pack of crayons as they all had on the same simple frilly dresses thanks to a Susan as I remembered asking her, "Why the same dress? Don't you girls like to look different?" She simply said back with nothing but love for her friends, "I picked out some amazing dresses, but the ghost one told them something in the car on our way to go check them out. By the time we got there, they all insisted on getting the five for one deal that was in the cheaper dress section. I argued with them and pleaded that they think rationally, but it was no use as they picked out ones that matched their eye colors and jumped in joy together." I didn't know what Alice's plan was, but it was for me in some way I couldn't even think of. That white haired clone knew me better than myself, and I loved her for thinking of me so highly. Koko had a green dress; Anna was blue, Sahara yellow, and Alice red. They looked like what Steph had on last time as I see the ghost holding up the suit they got me too. It was apart of the deal with the dresses as I wore the brown suit and white button up with pride! Until I looked in the mirror and realized how shitty a cheap suit looked and felt compared to my other! I head out to the limo as I get in and say while looking at Alice, "I look like shit." She then looked at the others as burst out laughing like maniacs! Koko then says, "Then you have some shit eyes." I realized that it matched my eye color as I grunt and chuckle before looking over at Alice and saying, "You little bloody Mary hehe. Tricky little girl aren't you?" This was definitely my type of humor as I laugh to myself and sigh before commenting, "Either way, you all look amazing. Can't wait to undress you all." They all go dead silent and look at the floor with burning red cheeks as I scoff at their innocence and watch the road pass us by.

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