Without him

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(Flora) I wait next to Karen at the bus stop as my fingers twiddle around nervously due to how much I've been looking forward to the moment that was soon to come! We both stay quiet and watch the rising sun hover above us all like the ball of light it was. I then feel Karen touch my arm as she nervously asks while staring down at the ground beneath us, "D-do I look okay? Not overdoing the whole human thing?" We both were dressed up nice and with make up as I take a gulp myself. I gather up what courage I could and reply, "We're both in the same boat sis; But you look fine. Do I?.." She holds my hand and says back with a faint smile, "You could've done the eyeliner better, but.." I smack her shoulder as she giggles along with me like brat she was. I then calm down as I ask, "He really rubbed off on you didn't he?" She looks confused as she replies, "What?! If he even tried to do that to me, I'd snap his dick off!" I realize the double entendre and chuckle once more as I comment, "Yeah right. Your little king has been used up lately you nasty girl." She raises her eyebrows in shock that I'd talk about her vibrator as she scoffs back with attitude, "Better than that cartoon pillow you hump in the middle of the night you slut haha." I reply with sass to correct her, "It's called anime Karen; And his name is.." She covers her ears and starts speaking gibberish as we both laugh like duo of weirdos we were! This covered up the pain I had about leaving grandma behind as we get ready to enter the world no one knew existed. Just the thought of grandma's face had me sighing as I recalled telling her last week that we were invited to a new school that had dorms. She was so happy to hear that we would be in a better place than that shelter; But never brought up how she would have to live off of the slivers of food the scavengers would find. I tried to fight tooth and nail alongside Karen to let her live elsewhere; But they knew there was nothing out here that would help in the end as the soldiers would just shoot her on site. I hated how crooked this world was as it leaned more towards the rich since they nearly always got what they want. A flash of Nicole's and Susan's faces enter my mind as I clench my backpacks strap out of frustration. As close as they were, I could never lower myself to those who screwed our society over. And knowing how much it hurt me; I couldn't even look at Karen as she went quiet. She was more troubled than I could ever be as she went to school with them in order to get a higher chance of getting a good paying job. And all that constant hard work went down the drain like urine in a shower as these supernatural things started happening. And now, we had to leave our home and loved one behind just to graduate. We both bickered throughout the week thinking about her and if she'd properly take her medication daily. She had always hated taking the pills, but would do it since she was the only one we could depend on. She hoped we both would have great futures as Karen would go in detective work with her amazing intuition; And me.. With nothing. I lower my face into my hands as I hated to even think about myself. I was a nobody with nothing to show, and it was proven time and time again as my hope for becoming someone great faded away. I could never hope to get past a average job and be okay with it while Karen made it in the big leagues. I didn't know why God or fate had to be so cruel as to make me mundane. It was even a miracle to have Alizé like me! His wonderful face gave me a jolt of joy every time we met on the bus or at the stop after school; And it made me want to be with him. I would take care of him and become the best wife that he could have ever had hoped to have! I learned some basics in cooking and cleaning within the time I met him just in case anything actually happened! And then after we worked together for some time.. He gave me that kiss. The thing that officially made me love him more than I loved myself throughout my entire life. All those nights I stayed awake just thinking about him being with me for the rest of my life made my heart skip a beat! And when it all went downhill.. When Karen and the others suddenly joined in on our love.. I feel my heart sting as I try to keep my tears inside so my mascara didn't look stupid. Both Karen and I had to reevaluate our love lives as the thought of being with a supposed king of monsters had us shaking in our boots! But add on a literal harem; And it had us wondering if we would even be good enough when compared to a literal vampire and whatnot! At least Karen had something worth giving to him.. But me? I never would have thought he would like me for being so bland. I never knew; Heck, I still don't know if I should feel happy or sad that me being nothing would be my best feature! Why was my world being turned upside down?! I was about to break down in self doubt and confusion, but feel Karen's hands squeeze mine as I remember where I was. I let out some stressed out air and say while looking at the defeated face of my sister, "Thanks sis. Let's get through this for grandma. Yeah?" I raise a fist up as she smirks and replies, "Yeah. Let's show these weirdos what humans can do." She fist bumps me as we see the other girls walking up from the distance in their street clothes. It was going to be a tough ride with all of this emotional baggage; But I'll prove myself somehow in someway. Just you watch Alizé. Just you watch.

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