Pizza time

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I wake up in cold sweats as I wipe off the liquid fear from my forehead. I still couldn't get over those cold blooded murders from the other night as I sit there in an attempt to calm myself down. It was the middle of the night and with no one by my side, I get up and go wash my face in Nicole's bathroom to feel a little refreshed. I felt like I had something on my mind, but I didn't want to listen as I just dry my face off and walk back over to the bed in the dark. I go under the covers and sigh in relief as I hug the blanket and close my eyes to make the morning come sooner; But feel an arm wrap around the front of me as the familiar breath of blood blows in my face like an alarm in the night! I don't even try to talk to the vampire as she rubs my back and asks quietly, "What's wrong? You've been acting weird for the past couple of days Alizé, and it's worrying me." I couldn't even keep myself quiet as my self pity took over and explained, "Well.. It's just that I've never seen people literally killed right in front of me like that. It reminds me of that one kid who's in the hospital still thanks to me.." She rubs my hair and says with a pitiful tone, "Alizé; You know it was an accident. We've went to go see him plenty of times since then, and he's always happy to see the guy who tried to save him." I was about to lose my mind and shout at her, but realized how stupid that would've been to someone who genuinely wanted to help me in my time of need. I didn't even want to talk anymore as I reach in and pull her in for a hug while laying down as her head rested above mine in confusion. I hug tightly as she smiles and whispers into my ear like a loving mother, "I didn't want to sound like an annoyance, but I came here to ask for something to eat since you know; Everyone's asleep. Maybe a sandwich?" I push her away and ask with eyes of disappointment, "Woman, you shame your gender to the nth degree." She smacks her lips and attempts to argue with me about being above the cooks back at her place in the monster world, but I couldn't have cared less about how much she was spoiled. She knew me well enough to just shut up and turn over. Ignoring me like a bratty little kid as I look at the time and think, "One huh?" I look at the moonlit window and contemplate on whether I should make that sandwich, or go get some pizza from the other city. It would've been like an hour walk, but I wouldn't mind the cool breeze blowing by my face as I walked through the disaster ridden town. It was then decided that I would go get my cheeseless pizza as I think about the fact that Layla could just pick me up and fly me over there in a tenth of the time; But with all these patrols, I knew she would get caught on radar or something and force us to fight the actual army. I sit up on the side of the bed and rub my hands through my hair before looking up and stretching my somewhat tired body into a more suitable state for my walk. Layla suddenly hugs me from behind as her arms wrapped around my neck and rested upon my chest as she laid her head on my left shoulder like a worried wife. She then asks, "What're you doing?" I smirk and reply with a scoff of joy jolting across my body, "I'm gonna go get pizza. Want some?" She tilts her head and asks, "Peetsa? What's that? It better not be another nasty joke about your.." I cut her off explaining, "Whoa there woman! It's kind of like pie, but without the crust on top and it being covered in cheese with other toppings. I usually get mine with no cheese since I hate it though." It reminded me of when my dad and mom would go order me and my brother our own pizza that was split between what we wanted. The fact the we would eat together and watch movies would make me feel all jittery on the inside as I wish silently to myself, "If only he could've.." I shake my head to forget about the fool who hurt his family after his death and caused this whole monster shebang to happen in the first place! I didn't hate the old man though, even if I wish I could to forget about him. I didn't even notice Layla getting ready as I get up and quickly get changed for what would be a long journey. We put on our hoodies that Nicole bought for us all for comfort reasons as I sneak out the door and shut it without a single sound. We both sneak out as she shuts the front door before tailing behind me. I blow out a stream of air as my body loosens from how tense that was to sneak out of a superhuman's home full of mo.. I hold my mouth as I nearly squeak out loud from seeing Nicole standing in front of the gate! I let out my breath as I say annoyed, "Yikes Nicole! I nearly shit myself! How'd you know?" She nods at the others standing behind me as I see Steph and Xcena walking next to the vampire princess like a group of delinquents. I figured they were all stalking me, but in my sleep? Really? I sigh as she explains, "That date was a train wreck thanks to that cybernetic bitch; And since we all were planning on sleeping with you tonight, I figured that we should at least have another try." So she wanted a date redo? I mean, I guess it made sense, but why were they planning to sleep with me like a group of spies? I just shake my head as Xcena asks, "This pizza food is what I've been wanting to try out since I first heard about it when I first got here! The only variation I've had was for breakfast at the school when we attended it!" I felt bad for her as I reply, "You started off with that semi decent garbage? You really need to try it out then you pink headed airhead!" She gives me an innocent thumbs up as Steph adds on, "I don't know what this peeza is, but if you like it Alizé.." I was getting a bit irritated that these monster girls were constantly saying the name wrong, and get ready to explain how you spelled it and stuff, but Nicole beat me to it as she says with her arms folded, "It's called pizza you spoiled brats. P,I,Z,Z,A." I look at her and ask, "Aren't you being a hypocrite you silver spoon fed Rambo?" She scoffs and faces away as the others nod like they understood it all. It was adorable seeing these idiots act like me as I motion them to follow along while saying, "Alright let's head out ladies, the clocks ticking." They all sarcastically salute me as Xcena happily skipped along behind us in our journey to the cheapest pizza place I know called Pleez to meetza.

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