Without them..

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(Alizé) I get a call while hanging out with the girls in Xcena's room and go outside when I see that it was Layla's dad! I wondered how the hell he got my number, but saved the questions for him as I answer saying, "Yeah?" He doesn't hold anything back as he replies sternly, "You're finally back with the group of new students boy, but a couple of other highly talented folk just arrived in your city. Go fetch them for me now." I feel my brows lower as I ask annoyed, "And why the hell should I do that? You go do it you lazy bat bastard." I get ready to hang up until he replies, "The main reason kid; Is because there's an ancient demonic being out there who wants to rule this world all over again, but the others are going there to stop the rampaging beast. You wouldn't believe me if I told you who it was." I rub my chin and ask with a little interest, "Layla's secret twin sister? Lemme guess her name! Lucifer?! HAHA!" I bet that was why she acted so fucking evil all the damn time! If I didn't watch my back twenty four seven, that vampire would have stabbed me in the back plenty of times! He just chuckles and says, "Not exactly. She's an only child boy, but he is what your kind would consider to be Lucifer." I feel surprised by his words as I listen to what else he had to say out of curiosity. He continues saying, "Diandria told me about the blue runester and how that fight led to the little angel spreading her wings. That story is as old as time, but I'm guessing she eventually told you about it over the past year?" I sigh and nod even though I was on the phone as I also reply, "The devil king guy who was trapped inside of a mask for all of eternity, yeah yeah I got it old man. Now why should I go?" He bluntly tells me, "If they fail and that ungodly creature finds its way here.. There would be mass genocide. My little girl and the others you cherish so much would be massacred as if they were pigs in a slaughter house. All the elder monsters would be too late to stop what you could help be avoided. There is a reason you're a green runester after all boy. Now go do your damn job!" He hangs up as I look down at my phone in shock that I couldn't go one single day without a giant world ending problem getting in my way. I shake my head and open the door as I tell the group that I'd be gone for a bit before snatching my book and booking it to the bus. I see the bus driver standing over the cliff smoking a cigarette as he blows out a puff of smoke and says out of nowhere, "You ready kid?" I groan replying, "Seems like I always have to be now days. This whole king and runester shit gets annoying after a while man." I lay my back against the front of the bus and look up at the not so bright sun as he pays no mind to me. I couldn't even hold back what I was thinking anymore as I mumble out loud, "It's always DO THIS! Or DO THAT! But its never about giving me my own time. A forced responsibility that no one wanted seemed to be put all on me and for what? Wanting to get my mom and brother out of that apartment? The girls are nice and all.. When they act like it; Yet what do they expect to get out of me? I'm not even wanted by my own species, let alone a variety of supernatural ones! Like, what's the thing that changed from when I was in ninth grade to tenth that made me so wantable?" I didn't even know why I was telling him these things! But to finally have enough alone time to get out all that pent up frustration had me feeling like a new man as I take a sigh of relief. Then a final sentence comes out of my mouth as everything died down as I said, "In the end.. It's everything I could have ever hoped for. Love and power." I hear the creep laugh silently as I hold my mouth shut in fear of not knowing what the hell he was. For all I knew, he was one of those elder lord guys the old man was talking about! My instincts are even warning me to not act too aggressive with the guy! He looks up like I did and asks with sincerity, "Do you think it's wrong to have multiple chances to change one thing young man?" It was a random question, but I hold my own and answer, "If you're able to change the outcome for the better or to your liking, I don't think it is." He stays silent for a moment before asking, "All for one? Or one for all?" I look at him confused as I thought he was just babbling on with some basic ass anime cliché shit; But felt a weird feeling that I knew how to answer it as I look down at the dirt for a moment before replying, "Back then.. Maybe the latter. But now.. I'm not sure anymore." He grunts and flicks the cig off the cliff before walking by me and patting my shoulder with the look of someone with hope in their eyes. I was still seriously confused by him, but felt like he had a burden lifted off of his shoulders. I walk into the bus and pass by him in his seat as he comments, "All we can do is hope kid." I ask while taking a seat, "Hope for what?" He shuts the doors and replies with the ignition turning on, "Hope history doesn't repeat itself." Was he talking about another green runester?! Could there be a bunch out there and I don't even know it yet?! I had no clue, but knew I was about to enter quite the shitstorm in less than an hour.. Like always I guess.

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