Hell-uva date

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It's been a week since I won the title of champ as I had to deal with my body being broken apart thanks to those two psychopaths that act like they hate me more than their sorry and endlessly violent lives. And since I was officially immune to the vampire spit, I had to learn how to live with my left arm until my main hand healed. But with the world becoming more aware of the supernatural, they've made some good items to help tend with severely damaged wounds! Yet the catch was that you had to be loaded or else you would just be left to die like the piece of shit commoner they thought you were. Nicole and Susan's family at least had some contact with those bastards and said that I would be back in good shape by the time Christmas came around; Which was just a couple more months away! But with the now weekly injection of the clear liquid, I was told to not walk around the city anymore at the cost of being in more danger due to my weakened state. I didn't complain at all as I laid upon Nicole's queen sized bed and watched all of the anime I missed out on with every damn girl talking my ear off about how I was going to take them out for the dates they all supposedly planned behind my back. They had already chosen the groups as they briefed me in on the schedule this very morning as Steph and Anna came in and sat next to me on the bed like a couple of sweet and innocent school girls.. Oh wait, they actually are now that I think about it. Anna starts the chat off as she says, "It wasn't like nobody wanted to go last; Well except Elia since she said that you were scum; But besides the point, we all did that human thing where we drew pieces of paper from a hat. The first date is today and with Tamara, the principal, Bella, and Amanda." I nearly spit out my orange juice as I swallow my favorite fruit drink and ask in worry, "THE FIRST DATE IS WITH A GROUP OF LOONIES WITH TWIRLY DEVIL TAILS?!" Steph nods and adds on without a glimpse of hesitation, "Yup. Team titty is your first group.." She then feels her own chest as I sigh and feel them along with her as I comment, "It isn't about the boobs Steph. It's all about the ass, and yours is nice and petite." She blushes and gently pushes my hand off before pouting and replying, "Just cause they're small doesn't mean you get to play with them whenever you want perv.." She then smirks as I see a blurred hand movement below before gasping in surprise with the sudden grasp of my balls! I smile in joy as my katana sharpens itself for the battle! But then a Shyamalan twist happens as I look over to my left and see Anna's cold stare that nearly broke my will as she squeezes my nuts tighter and stays silent as I take a gulp and ask in a high pitched voice, "Um, Anna? Can you not squeeze so much? I don't want you to make my peanuts go into peanut butter.." She cuts me off bluntly saying, "No." Those eyes that seemed so lifeless were one hell of a set that I never would've expected from such a kind individual as her! Yet here we sat as she says, "Why didn't you grab me this time? I know you say that we're all important, but Steph is the only one I seen you proudly molest along with Layla or Bella. Are you trying to say that something is wrong with me? Is it because I'm an ice woman? Is it my size? The princess of monsters can't even cook for shit compared to me who's worked for years to get where I am, yet you praise her every chance you get while I get left in the dust. Now, with all of that said, what do you got to say for yourself?" I was taken back as I felt her caress my boys like a pair of marbles. I look over at Steph for help, but she seemed to give me a glare of disgust as I look down at my crossed legs in horror. Was this the start of a yandere story? Was I going to be brutally murdered? Would I have to witness the women I love die before my very eyes as I sit back and do nothing? It reminded me of that one anime called Academia days as I tell Anna, "It's not my intention to leave anyone out. You know I'm new to this whole girls liking me thing, and yet you still have the vagina muscles to tell me off? I know your race is weird with the yandere shit running through your blood, but for real chick, calm your ass down." I then hold my right hand in a sling close to my chest as I push forward and land on top of her with a lustful look in my eye. I really didn't like the idea of a threat to my life being near me, but it turned me on a bit by how ruthless she was as I lick my lips and lean down as I say into her left ear, "When's your date with me? And who'll join?" She a bit nervous, "Uh.. Oh.. The human Susan, me, Alice, and Sahara.. We're the third date Aliz.. AH!" I nibble on the rim of her ear as she moans into my ear like the easy girl she was. I was losing control of myself as I asked if my moral to save myself was really worth it. Just cause I valued it thanks to my grandma.. I slowly start to kiss the side of her jaw across her icy white cheek with her breaths of cold air blowing visibly into the air by me. She was trying to keep her voice low in embarrassment, but I wanted her to know I didn't undervalue her at all as I hung over her lips in silence. She didn't even wait for me as she lets go of my junk and wraps her hand around my neck at super speed before yanking my head towards hers! We instantly start making out as I caught a quick glimpse of the invisible girl behind me slowly moving her hand across the sheets towards her skirt! I had an idea that she was going to have some fun with us as I felt my waist getting ready as I slowly hump the air like a dog in mating season! But the door slams open as I see Bella lick her lips and hold up her hands under her chin while moving her fingers like a horny school girl! She doesn't even shut the damn door as she leaps towards us to make it a foursome! But a hand comes from behind and catches her by the back of her collar as she flung back in shock! She just scoffed and commented, "Come on, did you really have to stop the magic you turn off? Laaame." Diandria looks down and sighs before dragging her off saying, "Come on, save it for the date kid." I then hear her heels stop as she adds on, "And don't you dare do it." She then walks away as I hear Bella crying about how unfair it was that an old lady was trying to tell her what to do as the lusty voice faded off in the distance. I didn't even realize that I wasn't kissing Anna anymore as she laid there with her mouth open as the sound of her catching her breath made my nose flare up! And as her eyes begged me to push the boundaries even further, I sit up and hold in my tears of not getting laid once more as I lay back on the back and accidently brush up against something wet as I hear a quiet gasp! I felt my nose going crazy again as I patted the wet area and recognized the slit and tiny ball before feeling my eyes widen in excitement before turning around and staring Steph in the eyes while she gave me the same look Anna was! I had made her cum by just touching her as I seen my hand hiding under her mini skirt! I then felt my desires completely take over as I hop off the bed and grab my towel before rushing into the bathroom and locking it! I practically rip my clothes off as I turn on the water and squirt some conditioner in my hand before moaning myself as I send my children off to go meet the turtles in the sewers.

My Monster Teen Romance 2 OVANơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ