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Koko shyly crept around me the entire week ever since I got a glimpse of her well trimmed garden; And if we were in the same room or bumped into each other, she would use her capsule to transform into Bella to scare me off! But Bella knew better as she and I would casually walk around the place together before we had a tense kiss that'd turn her back to the orange crayon. And when she did it today, I held Bella by the hand as we stepped into the backyard and sat in the grass like a couple of nature lovers. She then asks me as we stare off into the well kept garden full of hedges shaped like animals, "So what is it? Are you going to tell me how much you hate the way she acts? That she's childish and needs to grow up already?" I smirk and reply, "Wasn't why I brought you out here, but you're not wrong baby cakes." She looks impressed as I continue saying, "How do you feel being brought out by the whim of a needy little girl? In my opinion, I'd be pissed off and have a chat with my counterpart." She smiles and closes her eyes like she knew the day would come as she faces the ground and says after a deep sigh from the nose, "It is annoying. Even if she is the main host, it makes me feel more like a tool or an escape goat. In honesty, I would be bat shit insane at this point if I didn't have patience. Hey.. In that book of yours, do you know about the whole succubus counterpart thing?" I felt the wind blow through our hair as I look up at the blue sky and answer, "I know some things thanks to what you told me over the time we spent together like how you're both connected, but once she figures herself out and becomes confident, you'll vanish." She just shrugs and says in return, "I'm just a phase in her life thanks to those shit parents of hers Alizé. It's scary how one day I'll just vanish and be forgotten as if I never existed.. I mean, even I had her memories when I first awoken that day after school, so it wasn't like I had no idea about how things worked." I wrap my arm around her body and bring her in close as I rest my head on top of hers before replying, "Well that ain't gonna cut it you silly butt. Cause in the end, I'll find a way to make sure you both stay with me. I won't let your dark fate decide whether I can have you or not." She digs her face into my arm as I could feel her quivering with fear. I felt terrible that my words couldn't sooth her pain too much, but I never was that good with ladies to begin with. I then ask her, "And what about her? Did the two of you agree to something like letting you out every other day? How about one week for each side?" Bella's lust wasn't there as she looked into my eyes. I could only see pain and terror as she replies with what sounded like a tiny bit of hope, "We have.. But neither of us can hold a normal conversation without the other complaining. It's just so tiring having a nagging voice in your head constantly you know? And it's not like I'm trying to put her down, but the past trauma that I'm forced to live with too also makes it uncomfortable being alive." I brush my thumb across her shoulder as I rub it like an actual caring boyfriend for once as I say with certainty, "You could say life is a gift and a curse. You may be aware of existence and all that it brings, but it comes with the cost of feeling the pain of life itself. I'm no philosopher Bella, but sometimes you just gotta bite your nails and trudge on through like a soldier in war. Make life the way you want too; Even if you are literally only a couple years old.. As odd as that sounds." She then hugs me tightly as I felt a worrisome smile creep onto my face. I wanted her to be with me for the rest of my life, but time was running out, and I wasn't anything close to being a scientist! I hated feeling so useless as I slam my fist into the grass in defeat. I needed to make this dream into a goal, and that required knowing some shit. Hopefully, the old vampire himself would throw me a bone if I ask about this curse the succbi have to deal with. I then hear Layla call out the window, "LUNCH IS READY!" As I stand up and offer my pink bride a hand. She looked full of love for once as her smile made me feel warm in my heart. I hated hearing it, but the fact that these girls were changing me was the best part of going to the monster world.

But before I could even have a moment of peace for once where life just patted me on the back, I get thrown into another life or death situation as I sit down at the long dinner table with the others and see that they had perfectly cut sandwiches and slices of apple pie! And at the end where I sat, I held my hands together in front of my face. Contemplating my life as I see my darling vampire walk out with a white apron on over her new black v neck t-shirt and blue skinny jeans. It was a beautiful sight indeed; Until I seen that my plate with empty along with the chuckles of Sahara. Layla then says while walking out of the kitchen with a big ol' smile, "I want you to try what I made Alizé. It took me forever, but I 'm pretty sure I got it now." I then see two maids walk out the kitchen as well before they stumbled onto the walls and looked exhausted! Another one even walked out the kitchen looking sick as she quickly covered her mouth and widened her eyes before rushing back into the place where the trashcan was. Yup. I was going to be killed by pure love and burnt carbon. She then places two plates down for the both of us as I take a swig of my apple cider and embrace the darkness that was before me. It looked like black slivers of meat with charred carrots and half an entire raw onion as I listen to her explain, "The maids called it steak tartare and literally handed me a chunk of grinded cow meat with an egg. They must not know how to cook haha. So I decided to take it into my own hands and put them into the pan to fry as the meat cooked along with egg. Plus I added some veggies to the mix for a balanced meal cause you need your vegetables Alizé." I swear that death was crying in my stead as I sigh and look at her with a defeated expression. She had her hands under the table while staring at her own plate like a nervous kid. She would shoot glances over at me as she realized how suspicious she was acting and cleared her throat before acting all sly and shoots me an erotic grin before leaning over the table and holding her chin on top of the back of her hand. She gives me that delicious look that I love of what looked like evil as she cockily says with her deep voice and seductive eyes, "What're you waiting for? Me to cut your food for you? You're such a stubborn and spoiled brat." She then smugly cuts the black pancake looking things as I even hear her cough from how dry it was! She then says after leaning in with a fork full of her so called love, "Open wide handsome. It ain't gonna eat itself." I then immediately think, "I can see why it won't. Oh well." I then deny my body any mercy as I take a bite full of passion! And even though it was like chewing through burnt cardboard, I swallowed it whole and took the fork as I say with my black teeth, "Thank you for the meal!" I then eat the disaster as if my life depended on it and scoffed the whole plate down! Biting into the raw onion to hide the fact that I was crying from the whole meal itself as I got glances of her doing that same pose on the table with a glass of apple cider in her hand. She was smug, but it seemed like she was in a trance as she wouldn't take her eyes off of me. I finish my meal as I chug the rest of my drink before taking a sigh of relief and blowing out my will to live like a stuffed fat guy. She doesn't say a word as I point at her plate and comment, "Your turn." She scoffs and replies casually, "I'd rather eat you.. YOUR BREAKFAST! I MEANT YOUR BREAKFAST!" She turned red and was super embarrassed as She sat still in her chair like a kid who got caught lying. I felt a smile befall my face as I think, "No wonder why I love you so much. These things you do almost make eating this shit worth it. Almost." She then mumbles before digging in, "Just cause you want to act all cool and eat what I make you.." I couldn't even hold in my excitement as my smile wouldn't fade away to act all gloomy like usual! But Steph laughs as she comments, "Wow you really are perverted aren't you Layla?" Layla then stares daggers at the sweet little angel before snarking back, "NO!" But Amanda chimes in with a scoff of laughter, "So even the princess is a pervert in the open. I thought you would at least be a closet one since you have a reputation to keep up and all." She blares even redder as she replies insulted, "YOU DARE MAKE FUN OF ME HALF SUCCUBUS?! I AM NOT AN OPEN PERVERT!" Sahara then bluntly replies, "So you're a closet one then?" Layla growls and yells, "OF COURSE NOT FOOLISH ELF!" Everybody was having a good time as Elia chimed in to try and defend her, "Enough. She will hear no more of this assumed foolishness. It was just the slip of the tongue, or misheard. Go back to your peasant meals now." Tamara doesn't hold back as she comments, "Say what you want, but that wasn't even the naughtiest thing going through her mind at the time. You're really creative and very experimental princess Layla; I'll give you that." Layla gasps in a high pitch as Elia slams her hand on the table and says pissed off to the demon, "You dared to go into her mind without permission?!" But before Tamara could defend herself, her aunt did as Diandria said with her arms folded and a smug on her face, "Not really hard when she's basically broadcasting what she wanted to do to him like a radio. I wasn't even paying attention and still managed to hear about eating a pancake wrapped around his.." Layla then stands up as her hands hit the table hard enough to shut the group up; Even with her face redder than Tamara's hair. Her face was twitching from all of the embarrassment as the group of women gave her the exact face she gave me before. I joined in as well with Nicole walking into the room clueless of what had happened as she said, "Alright, Let's get ready and go vampire and angel. You get ready too Alizé." I sigh and remember what I had to do as the three of us prepare to go and pick up the alien princess Xcena from Susan's for the date. The chatter didn't die down though as the three of us took our separate showers and took off in the limo.

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