chapter 6

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Y/n Pov

Then I walked over to the purple haired girl.

"Hi, I'm L/n nice to meet you" I said. The girl turned to me and she looked really nice.

"Hi, L/n I'm Jirou, and it's nice to meet you too," said the girl now introduced as Jirou. We talked a little and found that we had a lot of relatibible things.we both like the same genre of music.

After a couple of minutes a weird man came in.

"It took you all 8 seconds to quiet down, I am your teacher Mr Aizawa, and this is your Quirk assessment test, put on your gym outfits and meet me out side" he said.

We did as he said and went to change. In the changing room I met a few new people, there was Mina, a pink skinned alien with an over excited attitude. There was also Uraraka, who was a kid with brown hair and a bubbly personality, Yaoyorozu (who told us to call her Momo so that it was easier), and Hagakure.

After we finished changing we went out to the yard like we were told. When we were there we saw many different things set up. And then Mr. Aizawa started talking.

"Today we are going to do some test to see your fiscal strength and the strengths of your quirk"

But then Uraraka spoke up.

"But then aren't we going to miss orientation? That's not fair!" Mr. Aizawa replied with

"Yes, you are, but as heroes you will ultimately miss things like important events, but do you thing tornadoes, earthquakes and villain attacks are fair. This is my class and I'm U.A. I get to run it as I want". He then walked up to a ring in the sand.

"Bakugo, you were the first in the intense exam, how far could you throw in school?"

"About 67 meters, I think," he replied.

"Good now step into the circle and throw this ball, you can use your quirk".

Bakugo stepped up to the circle and grabbed the ball. He threw it while using his explosion to propulse it farther. Then Mr. Aizawa showed a small device that said "750.3 m". But some of the class started to get hyped and a boy with blonde hair and a small lightning said:

"Cool we get to use our quirks as much as we want."

"This is not a free for all exercise, you have 3 years to learn to be heroes and to control your powers,  whoever does the worst in these exercises will be expelled". A couple people gasped surprised and the harsh punishment.

Small time skip to after the exercises brought to you by: The moon 🌙

I think that I did okay in the test. After all with the things I trained for my stamina was mostly because I can't always use my quirk. We were almost done with the tests and we had one left, it was the ball throw which some everyone but Izuku had done. As Izuku was going to use his quirk on the ball when he threw it did not work.

"B-but I thought I was using it" he mumbled. Then he sees Mr Aizawa was using his quirk.

"You were, but I saw what happened at the entrance exam, while we do have healers you can't alway rely on them for every single time you use your quirk".

Then he gave Izuku the ball to try again. He did but this time after using his quirk he did not hurt himself as much as Mr Aizawa had said. He only really broke his pointer finger.

-619 words

Sorry for the very late update.

Thy out.

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