Chapter 1

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(Y/n) Pov

"(N) (/N) (Y/N), wake your ass up, And get dressed, don't forget you have school also a letter came for you it's from UA high" My mom called, I jumped out of bed when she said UA High. 'Another year of hell at least I'll see what this letter from UA is' i thought to myself.

This year I'm going to a new school called Aldara Junior High because I got bullied too much at my old school that my mom moved me to another school. I got into my black and white uniform and went down stairs. "Here's the letter sweetie" my Mom handed me the letter as I started to eat my breakfast.

Dear, (L/n) (Y/n)

You have been recommended into the hero course here at UA. you were recommended by an unknown hero, based on your quirk, in around 9 months you will be allowed to take the recommended test. We wish you the best,

Principal Nezu

"Mom, MOm, MOM! Come here now please!" I yelled for my mom to come. She had left the room trying to find something.

"What do you ne-oh sweetie that's amazing" my saw my paper and hugged me.

"Don't forget you still have school, here I can drive" I grabbed my stuff and we left. I walked to my new class 3-b (sorry I don't know what class midoriya and bakugou were in) and stood outside the door. The teacher Mr. Barno (don't know the teacher's name either) let me in and told me to introduce myself.

"Hi my names (L/n) (Y/n) and I hope you take care of me," I said and bowed.

Mr. Barno then asked if anyone had any questions. Everyone started yelling questions, the only one I really heard was 'do you have a quirk' everyone else must have heard it too because they started asking the same question.

"I-I well do have a quirk but I don't like to talk about it" I said.


I was around 5 when it happened, I walked into kindergarten and there was this girl crying. I asked her what was wrong but she started yelling at me saying that I was stupid and had her. I got really angry and for some reason I started singing, she stood up and froze and was yelling that I was controlling her. I had no idea what I was doing. After a few minutes the teachers came in and one hugged me and I stopped using my quirk. Everyone else was scared of me and started calling me a freak other mean names because I was scary.

After that day has started to try and control my quirk. I would sing every day to practice my vocal cords. But the bullying kept happening, every day they would come up to me and start yelling at me and calling me names and sometimes they would kick and punch me that it went on up until last year, when I moved schools.

Flashback end

(Y/n)'s Pov

Mr. Barno told me to sit next to the green haired boy. After I took the seat next to him I said

"Hi, my names (L/n), though you already know that, but what's your name" he answered with

"M-my name's I-izuku M-m-midoriya"

"Do you want to want to be friends Midoriya" I said

"A-are you s-sure you wants t-to be f-friends with a quirkless n-nobody like me"

I giggled at his stuttering,

"I sure do Midoriya" I replied.

Thanks for reading

Thy out!

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