Part 2

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"I know exactly what kind of guy you are", you said wetting your lips, "and I'm not into boys like you."

"Are you now?", he asked in a deep voice which made you feel some kind of way. He leaned against the door behind him and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

The only light in the dark room came from a pink and purple gleaming lava lamp on a shelf in the corner of the room next to the bed.

You could barely see his eyes but you were sure they were resting on you. He chuckled and a smug grin appeared on his face.

"Um yea?", you answered rolling your eyes. He really was thinking he got you all figured out.

"And who said I was into you?", he asked and you tried to see the look in his eyes, but it was just too dark in the room.

"I'm not stupid. I saw you were checking me out", you said laughing bitterly, "let me guess: you're 20, studying psychology in third semester because something traumatizing has happened in your childhood and you want to know why people do things they do."

"Oh, and you are a heartthrob. A different girl every time", you added smiling satisfied.

"You're good", he said letting his arms hang and slowly made his way over to you. You shifted in your seat and sat at the end of the bed. It bothered you that you couldn't see his eyes, there was something you didn't understand about him.

"I did check you out", he said now standing in front of you, "but not because you're hot. Don't get me wrong, you're hot, no offense. I just noticed the light shade of a fading bruise on your waist and the scar of a cut above your eyebrow."

"F*ck. How did you...?", you cursed pulling up your jeans so your bruise was covered again. He got dangerously close to you and got on his knees in front of you. He smirked and tilted his head to the side.

"Secondly, I'm not studying psychology. I'm studying sociology with a minor in psychology", he explained and lifted his hand to gently touch your scar.

"Don't... touch me", you said brushing his hand fiercely off.

"Cheeky", he said chuckling, "but the rest was quite true. I am 20, studying in third semester. I don't see myself as a heartthrob rather as someone who lives their life to the full extent."

"Huh", you said laughing. You never heard a fuckboy describing himself as a wallower and you didn't realise that you were quite similar. But you noticed how he left out the childhood trauma part. Weakness found.

"And who hurt you when you were a kid?", you asked teasing him. You found his weak spot and you weren't going to let him go so easily.

"My mum", he answered and you widened your eyes. Again he managed to surprise you. You didn't think he was going to tell you the truth and it seemed like he wasn't so traumatised after all.

"Still think you are not into guys like me?", he asked cocking his eyebrow.

"I don't know", you said honestly roaming your eyes over him. He just got a lot more interesting apart from his hot body.

"You tell me", you said shrugging.

"What do you think I'm going to say?", he answered with a question. You knew he was playing with you. He had control of the situation and you didn't know how to get out of his tight grip.

"I think that you think you have me all figured out... and that you want to get into my pants", you said scowling.

"That was almost right again", he said mocking you, "but I don't have you figured out. That's why I find you interesting."

"Aha", you huffed. It was time you get the control back. You were sick of his mind games. So you stayed quiet. Silence makes people feel uncomfortable and the urge to explain themselves.

"So....", he said in a low voice coming closer again, "will you give me what I want?"

You exhaled sharply as he moved his face up to yours and then to your neck. You thought he was going to kiss your skin but the only thing you could feel was his hot breath on your neck driving you slowly crazy.

He lifted his hands to your waist lingering them only an inch over the exposed skin.

"Damn it", you cursed underneath your breath. He had you in the palm of his hands and there was nothing you could do.

"Do you want me to touch you?", he asked looking back up into your eyes.

You bit your lower lip feeling the familiar heat creeping over your skin. You sighed giving in and nodded.

"Sorry, I can't hear you", he said teasing you and enjoyed every second he had control of you.

"I want you to touch me", you breathed. Deep down you knew this party would end in this scenario. You knew it better but you could never stop yourself. You just like it too much when a guy knows what he wants.

He placed his strong hands on your hips and pushed you back on the bed. "Open your legs", he demanded and you did as you were told.

He got up and supported himself on his knee on the bed in between your legs. He bent down and passed his hands over your sides to the hem of your top.

He swiftly pulled it over your head and brushed his lips over your stomach. He reached your cleavage and placed a few open mouth kisses on your chest before he came up to your face.

He hovered over you tracing his cold fingertips over your skin up to your face and cupped your cheek in his hand. You shivered from lust and breathed shakily.

"I'm barely touching you", he said smirking, "and I guess you're already wet."

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