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You smiled shyly and reached your hand up to caress his cheek. The girl next to you cleared her throat and you became well aware of your surroundings. You just kissed him in front of all these people in the hallway and this girl. Well, at least you made it clear that he was yours.

You broke the hug and turned to look at her.

She was small and cute only adding fuel to your jealousy. She and Taehyung would look good together.

What if they had something while you were gone? You already regretted what you did for him.

"I'll guess I'll leave you alone", she said with a sweet smile, "seems like you two have a lot to catch up on." She waved at you and disappeared in the crowd.

You took a deep breath and didn't let your jealousy get the best of you. You didn't want to ruin the moment.

"And now what?", you asked feeling insecure all of a sudden.

What if he wasn't the same guy from three years ago? What if everything has changed, even his heart?

"I have to show you my new place", he said intertwining his fingers with yours making your heart jump, "and I have a new car."

"Well, the last one kind of got wrecked", you said chuckling lowly and followed him to the parking space.

He threw a glance at you and winked. You were glad you could laugh about the accident today. He pulled out the car keys and unlocked a small red car which you liked a lot more than his old car.

You got in on the passenger seat and looked at him waiting.

"So, we can go to my place and use the time to talk about what has happened in the last three years", he suggested.

"Use the time till what?", you asked.

"There's an end of the semester party tonight and I thought we could go together", he said smiling impishly.

"Like in old times", you added quietly and he nodded, "sure we can do that."

"Okay", he said starting the motor.

While he was driving off the campus you secretly stared at him. You never had the time to appreciate how hot he looked while driving. Since it was quite warm he wore a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up.

You could see his veiny arms and hands and that he has been working out. Damn, you missed him more than you liked to admit and not only in an emotional way.

"Are you doing your master?", you asked distracting yourself from your naughty thoughts.

"Yes", he said turning left.

"To be honest, I didn't expect to meet you today already", he admitted and you tried your best not to scowl. Is that why you've been running around with some other girl?

"I'm glad though", he said glancing at you shortly, "today was my last day of therapy. I turned my whole life around and I'm doing a lot of volunteering. It helped me a lot to..."

He didn't finish his sentence but you could hear how long he has waited to tell you all this. He did it all for you.

"To fill up the gap you left", he said stopping the car in front of a building. You bit your lower lip realising how hard the three years have been for him and that he has suffered as much as you did.

"I am so proud of you", you said in a hoarse voice. You leaned over to him and placed a tender kiss on his lips. You knew he was sincere but the girl still gave you doubts.

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