Part 10

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You groaned opening your eyes when you were woken up by the annoying beeping in the car when you're not buckled.

It was hard to keep your eyes open since the pain pulsating throughout your whole body kept pulling you back to unconsciousness.

It was jet-black outside only the right light of the car lit up the scary scene of the accident. You moved your head a bit which sent a sharp sting down your spine making you wince in pain.

You tried to move your legs but there were stuck and it hurt like crazy. You directed your eyes forward where normally the engine hood was but there wasn't one.

Instead there was a big tree right in front of you which had crushed the metal like butter and shattered the windshield.

Oh God. You realised the obvious: you just got into a really bad accident. Your thoughts immediately went to Taehyung. Was he okay? Please, be alive. Please, please.

You turned your head just a little to the driver's side even though the pain was almost killing you. Thank God, he was okay.

As soon as you had checked that he was still breathing you felt yourself drifting off again slowly losing your consciousness until you heard his voice.

"Y/N, f*ck, Y/N", he said desperately, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.. I love you, baby."

He grabbed your hand and stroked the back of your hand with his thumb just like he did on the first day of your relationship.

You felt a warm liquid running down your temple to the corner of your mouth and you tasted a metallic flavour on your tongue. Blood. F*ck, I'm bleeding. My body hurts so much. Am I going to die?

You felt so anxious and helpless. You couldn't talk either, you had no strength left. You could only quietly whine in pain.

"Y/N, I'm here", he said squeezing your hand but his voice seemed miles away, "everything's going to be okay. You'll be okay, I promise."

Your hand sagged and your vision went black.

"She's waking up", you heard your mother crying out loud, "oh thank God, she's awake!"

You perceived nurses and a doctor running into the room and checking your vital signs.

Your whole body was still sore and every bone was aching.

"She's getting better, Mrs y/l/n", the doctor said with a hopeful voice, "it's a good sign that she's slowly waking up. Her condition is still worrying, we need to watch her closely. But you can be with your daughter for now, just don't upset her."

"Okay, thank you, doctor", your mother said sniffing and everyone except for your mum left the room, "my poor baby." She sat down next to you and carefully took your hand in hers.

You opened your eyes a bit more but it was very exhausting. But you needed to stay awake, you needed to ask her something.

"Mum", you whispered in a brittle voice.

"Yes, darling?", she said crying and leaned down to hear you better.

"Taehyung..", you said having a hard time staying awake, "is he... is he okay?"

"Yes, yes he is", she said stroking your hair, "you can rest assured."

A tear of relief left your eye before you fell asleep again.

You woke up in the middle of the night again because your throat was dust-dry. You coughed and reached out to press the nurse button but someone quickly handed you a cup filled with water and a straw.

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